
Anybody buying this media fueled COVID-19 bull schitt?


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Jan 24, 2016
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Facts. Yes, I remember them too :thumbsup:
Sad that so many of us allow ourselves to be manipulated and our emotions to be played upon to the detriment of our nation(s). The Russians and Chinese are having a field day helping us neatly separate everything into black, white, left and right. Truly sad...


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Feb 9, 2016
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Sad that so many of us allow ourselves to be manipulated and our emotions to be played upon to the detriment of our nation(s). The Russians and Chinese are having a field day helping us neatly separate everything into black, white, left and right. Truly sad...

Weather Man

Persistance is a Bitch
Apr 4, 2016
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2015 I4 T Prem Auto
Facts. Yes, I remember them too :thumbsup:
No Bucky, you suckle on the tit of MSM ignorance and crow victory, LOL. There are many many articles about the covid 19 protests in the EU, easy to find and useless to quote to such as you. It is sad that what passes for journalists today can't be bothered to pay for a proper pic to go with their article. Keep your police state, and we'll keep our 2nd amendment.

Melbourne, that glorious city in the state of Victoria in Australia, granted me some of the best travel days of my life during two separate trips each lasting a full week.

A happy, civilized, highly educated people are here living amidst modern architecture, inspiring bridges, and natural beauty, a place where even the police are kind, and when you ask them for directions they reply with a smile, and when you say thank you, they say “No worries.”

Now there are big worries in Melbourne.

The Premier has imposed a vicious police state without precedent in this country’s history. His name is Dan Andrews (a sweet-sounding name that masks the tyrant he has become), and he tweets out pictures of empty streets to brag about what he has achieved in the name of suppressing a virus.

Tacitus’s line about the Roman empire comes to mind: “Where they make a desert, they call it peace.”

Australia is the only country in the world that has a law that people can’t be mean to each other. Now it is host to one of the world’s meanest governments.

The catastrophe began with a spring lockdown before there were any cases of C-19 much less deaths. The ethos in Australia was one of extreme exclusion and suppression of the virus, not as bad as New Zealand but pretty bad. The rest of the world can catch this disease, but Australia would use its geographical isolation and political intelligence to ban the virus. The virus will be in awe and know to stay away forever.

It’s not a good theory because that’s not how viruses work.

Still, it seemed to work, at first. That’s because the virus had yet to arrive.

When the virus did arrive, the futility of the suppression strategy was revealed.

Melbourne had set up quarantine hotels for people arriving from abroad or returning from cruises. They would spend 14 days in isolation to purge themselves of possible infection. Then all would be okay. There was a problem: the wiley virus escaped.

As a result, a nation’s pride in having suppressed the virus turned to panic and full lockdown. Internal borders are sealed. And Melbourne has become a living hell, not because of the virus (which is still mild) but because of the unleashing of a hellish police state.

A friend summarized the situation for me:

  • Police may now enter anyone’s home without a warrant.
  • Curfew 8:00pm.
  • $1,652 fine if outside without “a valid reason” – an amount being raised by the day
  • Can’t visit any family or friends.
  • $200 fine for no mask (mandatory masks at all times).
  • Can only exercise once per day, for up to 1 hour.
  • Only one person per household, per day can leave the house (including for groceries).
  • Can’t go more than 3 miles from your home.
  • Weddings are illegal.
  • No gatherings of any size.
  • Army is on the streets fining/arresting people.
  • “Since March 21, a total of 193,740 spot checks have been conducted by police across Victoria.”
  • Protests/activism is illegal; people have already been arrested for peaceful gatherings.
  • Media is EXTREMELY biased, calls protesters “right wing conspiracy nutjobs” and won’t allow discussion of whether these lockdowns are right or not.
  • Several thousand people were placed under house arrest and unable to leave for ANY reason, with food rations delivered by the army, leading to appalling levels of personal trauma.
  • Australia won’t release how many fines they’ve given out, but an ABC news report says it’s over $5.2 million so far.
  • Streets of Melbourne are empty, even in a city of 5 million+ people. People are HATEFUL to each other, everyone is cannibalising their neighbours (calling police to report any little infraction of the rules and turning on each other like some socialist hellhole).
  • Billboards outside on the street that say in capital letters: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STAY HOME.” They feel extremely oppressive, like we’re being yelled at by a very oppressive government.
  • The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews shows complete and utter disdain for us, constantly blaming us. He’s blamed children (yes, really) for not taking this seriously enough. Every chance he gets, he tells us it’s OUR fault the virus is spreading (even though that’s what viruses do – they spread).
  • It’s not just the Victorian Premier – the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is just as terrible. He’s encouraged all of this, and he was responsible for the first lockdown.
  • 1984 dystopian language: billboards everywhere saying “Staying apart keeps us together.” Have they gone mad?
  • There’s probably more but at this point I honestly lost track of all the insanity that’s happened.
  • All because 147 people died in the state of Victoria (total population is 6.359 million), almost all of the deaths are over 70 with comorbidities, same as everywhere else in the world.
This is lockdown ideology at work. It is tyranny without limit, at the expense of all human dignity, decency, and rights. The politicians make a desert and call it health.

Like everywhere else on the planet, Melbourne will have to reach herd immunity from C-19 at some point. Those who deny that are risking not only liberty and health but civilization itself.

Perhaps the other states in Australia will observe the destruction in Victoria and learn to take another path when the virus first arrives in their territory, as it surely will. Lockdowns are not science; they are brutality.

I cry for the once-great city of Melbourne this day. May there be justice. And may its future political leadership be granted some modicum of decency and wisdom.



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Feb 9, 2016
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No Bucky, you suckle on the tit of MSM ignorance and crow victory, LOL. There are many many articles about the covid 19 protests in the EU, easy to find and useless to quote to such as you. It is sad that what passes for journalists today can't be bothered to pay for a proper pic to go with their article. Keep your police state, and we'll keep our 2nd amendment.

Melbourne, that glorious city in the state of Victoria in Australia, granted me some of the best travel days of my life during two separate trips each lasting a full week.

A happy, civilized, highly educated people are here living amidst modern architecture, inspiring bridges, and natural beauty, a place where even the police are kind, and when you ask them for directions they reply with a smile, and when you say thank you, they say “No worries.”

Now there are big worries in Melbourne.

The Premier has imposed a vicious police state without precedent in this country’s history. His name is Dan Andrews (a sweet-sounding name that masks the tyrant he has become), and he tweets out pictures of empty streets to brag about what he has achieved in the name of suppressing a virus.

Tacitus’s line about the Roman empire comes to mind: “Where they make a desert, they call it peace.”

Australia is the only country in the world that has a law that people can’t be mean to each other. Now it is host to one of the world’s meanest governments.

The catastrophe began with a spring lockdown before there were any cases of C-19 much less deaths. The ethos in Australia was one of extreme exclusion and suppression of the virus, not as bad as New Zealand but pretty bad. The rest of the world can catch this disease, but Australia would use its geographical isolation and political intelligence to ban the virus. The virus will be in awe and know to stay away forever.

It’s not a good theory because that’s not how viruses work.

Still, it seemed to work, at first. That’s because the virus had yet to arrive.

When the virus did arrive, the futility of the suppression strategy was revealed.

Melbourne had set up quarantine hotels for people arriving from abroad or returning from cruises. They would spend 14 days in isolation to purge themselves of possible infection. Then all would be okay. There was a problem: the wiley virus escaped.

As a result, a nation’s pride in having suppressed the virus turned to panic and full lockdown. Internal borders are sealed. And Melbourne has become a living hell, not because of the virus (which is still mild) but because of the unleashing of a hellish police state.

A friend summarized the situation for me:

  • Police may now enter anyone’s home without a warrant.
  • Curfew 8:00pm.
  • $1,652 fine if outside without “a valid reason” – an amount being raised by the day
  • Can’t visit any family or friends.
  • $200 fine for no mask (mandatory masks at all times).
  • Can only exercise once per day, for up to 1 hour.
  • Only one person per household, per day can leave the house (including for groceries).
  • Can’t go more than 3 miles from your home.
  • Weddings are illegal.
  • No gatherings of any size.
  • Army is on the streets fining/arresting people.
  • “Since March 21, a total of 193,740 spot checks have been conducted by police across Victoria.”
  • Protests/activism is illegal; people have already been arrested for peaceful gatherings.
  • Media is EXTREMELY biased, calls protesters “right wing conspiracy nutjobs” and won’t allow discussion of whether these lockdowns are right or not.
  • Several thousand people were placed under house arrest and unable to leave for ANY reason, with food rations delivered by the army, leading to appalling levels of personal trauma.
  • Australia won’t release how many fines they’ve given out, but an ABC news report says it’s over $5.2 million so far.
  • Streets of Melbourne are empty, even in a city of 5 million+ people. People are HATEFUL to each other, everyone is cannibalising their neighbours (calling police to report any little infraction of the rules and turning on each other like some socialist hellhole).
  • Billboards outside on the street that say in capital letters: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STAY HOME.” They feel extremely oppressive, like we’re being yelled at by a very oppressive government.
  • The Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews shows complete and utter disdain for us, constantly blaming us. He’s blamed children (yes, really) for not taking this seriously enough. Every chance he gets, he tells us it’s OUR fault the virus is spreading (even though that’s what viruses do – they spread).
  • It’s not just the Victorian Premier – the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is just as terrible. He’s encouraged all of this, and he was responsible for the first lockdown.
  • 1984 dystopian language: billboards everywhere saying “Staying apart keeps us together.” Have they gone mad?
  • There’s probably more but at this point I honestly lost track of all the insanity that’s happened.
  • All because 147 people died in the state of Victoria (total population is 6.359 million), almost all of the deaths are over 70 with comorbidities, same as everywhere else in the world.
This is lockdown ideology at work. It is tyranny without limit, at the expense of all human dignity, decency, and rights. The politicians make a desert and call it health.

Like everywhere else on the planet, Melbourne will have to reach herd immunity from C-19 at some point. Those who deny that are risking not only liberty and health but civilization itself.

Perhaps the other states in Australia will observe the destruction in Victoria and learn to take another path when the virus first arrives in their territory, as it surely will. Lockdowns are not science; they are brutality.

I cry for the once-great city of Melbourne this day. May there be justice. And may its future political leadership be granted some modicum of decency and wisdom.

I’ll make an attempt to rebut this utter propaganda/rubbish when I have time.
It will be quite difficult because the BS comes so thick and fast yet interlaced with partial truths, that it will be quite a task.
As always, I accept the challenge though.
Stay rational.



Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2019
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Mustang GT Manual 2017
@Burkey i wouldn't bother - the US is toast because the avg joe believes nothing of reality. America can go and die at its own hand and complain to no one about the 'China flu' - American Stupidity is what it is and that's what will cause the biggest issues and deaths.
americans are complaining about how a mask is a limit on their freedoms. Folks from Beirut are wearing masks and clearing up their city after the massive explosion and they're not complaining about the masks while doing so. They are protesting about how it was allowed to happen. US needs to get a grip, or just embrace the future like a claymore


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Feb 9, 2016
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@Burkey i wouldn't bother - the US is toast because the avg joe believes nothing of reality. America can go and die at its own hand and complain to no one about the 'China flu' - American Stupidity is what it is and that's what will cause the biggest issues and deaths.
americans are complaining about how a mask is a limit on their freedoms. Folks from Beirut are wearing masks and clearing up their city after the massive explosion and they're not complaining about the masks while doing so. They are protesting about how it was allowed to happen. US needs to get a grip, or just embrace the future like a claymore
It’s a fair point you make. My real concern for the US is that the stupid are putting the clever in harms way.
You’re right though, it’s not worth the effort. He’s free to believe whatever bullshit line he’s being fed.
Why bother asking people who live here when you can get your misinformation directly from Sky News (one of Murdoch’s puppets).
I mean, he could actually go online and ask google for the answers to his questions (that aren’t questions but rather assertions of bullshit facts) but why bother doing that when you have the “truth” sitting right in front of your face right?

Example: Fines issued across Australia


Yeah, he’s a genuine sceptic :giggle:


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Sad that so many of us allow ourselves to be manipulated and our emotions to be played upon to the detriment of our nation(s). The Russians and Chinese are having a field day helping us neatly separate everything into black, white, left and right. Truly sad...
The best part is they're making everyone feel smarter than the other guy in the process.


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May 23, 2014
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Sad that so many of us allow ourselves to be manipulated and our emotions to be played upon to the detriment of our nation(s). The Russians and Chinese are having a field day helping us neatly separate everything into black, white, left and right. Truly sad...
What's really unfortunate is that they spew it out as "mainstream media", as if it is some big nasty tangible thing they're going to whack with a pinata stick. Interestingly enough, the people that shout about Mainstream media, generally get their information from Faux News, the literal largest news network in the United States. THEY, are mainstream media, yet have expertly crafted little know-nothing zombies to spout off fake talking points, half truths, and bad opinions at best. They hate mainstream media, but turn around and get all their information from it. They are literal puppeteers filling the heads of, what I would assume, otherwise rational people carving fear of literally everything into their hearts. All for what? For clicks and for money.

You know, fear is always going to be a stronger motivator than hope. @WeatherMan I hope you give up all that fear one day. It is literally running AND ruining your life.


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Aug 29, 2019
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Mustang GT 2019
I dont know, I haven't bothered to read most of this thread. All I know is, I work in the medical field and I stay in touch with people I graduated with in Chicago and various other places that work in hospitals. My Wife works in a doctors park with 7 doctors and 90 to 100 patients a day. Between me and my friends and My family we know people in 12 states and mostly in major cities. Know how many of us knows anyone with covid or that knows anyone that knows any one that has had covid? Exactly ZERO in out privet lives. IN the hospitals I know of three in a county of 550k people. and My friend in Chicago knows no one personally and in her hospital has only had a few Nothing like what they are saying on the news. My wifes practice has one patient with it and it was nothing patient only had mild cold like symptoms.

I have yet to see or anyone I know from around the country has yet to see anything like what is on the news. With the numbers they report... were are all these people? No one I know has seem them, I know multiple a pone multiple people in the medical field they have yet to see them. Where are these people? The way the news has it and the supposed numbers, (which fraud in that has been found over and over that numbers are false so hospitals can keep getting funds) people should be lining the streets sick and dieing. You should being seeing them everywhere.

So by the number (rounding) US population 328 million. Covid confirmed infected 5 million(not counting not confirmed) That means every 65th person I walk by has covid. I see at least 3 or 4 thousand people a day in my daily travels which means I encounter at least 61 people a day that should be dieing and about to die or be deadly ill. That adds up to what hundreds if not a thousand people with covid I should have encountered in all of this... yet I know of no one.

Covid is real bad at least the news tells me it is. But the numbers.... I believe to be complete BS to keep us scared and at home and running the stock markets up to countless records. Big business has gotten super rich more so then they were from all of this.
Last edited:



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May 23, 2014
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I dont know, I haven't bothered to read most of this thread. All I know is, I work in the medical field and I stay in touch with people I graduated with in Chicago and various other places that work in hospitals. My Wife works in a doctors park with 7 doctors and 90 to 100 patients a day. Between me and my friends and My family we know people in 12 states and mostly in major cities. Know how many of us knows anyone with covid or that knows anyone that knows any one that has had covid? Exactly ZERO in out privet lives. IN the hospitals I know of three in a county of 550k people. and My friend in Chicago knows no one personally and in her hospital has only had a few Nothing like what they are saying on the news. My wifes practice has one patient with it and it was nothing patient only had mild cold like symptoms.

I have yet to see or anyone I know from around the country has yet to see anything like what is on the news. With the numbers they report... were are all these people? No one I know has seem them, I know multiple a pone multiple people in the medical field they have yet to see them. Where are these people? The way the news has it and the supposed numbers, (which fraud in that has been found over and over that numbers are false so hospitals can keep getting funds) people should be lining the streets sick and dieing. You should being seeing them everywhere.

So by the number (rounding) US population 328 million. Covid confirmed infected 5 million(not counting not confirmed) That means every 65th person I walk by has covid. I see at least 3 or 4 thousand people a day in my daily travels which means I encounter at least 61 people a day that should be dieing and about to die or be deadly ill. That adds up to what hundreds if not a thousand people with covid I should have encountered in all of this... yet I know of no one.

Covid is real at least the news tells me it is. But the numbers.... I believe to be complete BS to keep us scared and at home and running the stock markets up to countless records. Big business has gotten super rich more so then they were from all of this.
That's some Confirmation Bias if I've ever seen it.

So the 5 million number refers to the number of confirmed cases. According to the new definition of recovered, 2.4 million of that 5 million are recovered. In Cook County, there have been 110,000 confirmed cases. We do not know the number of cases in which are deemed recovered for Cook County, however, if we were to use the same rate, we'd say 50% were recovered. Furthermore, not every needs to go to the hospital when they have Coronavirus. Some who test positive, self-quarantine and get retested once all symptoms are gone. According to the CDC, the rate of hospitalization from Covid is around 4.6 people, per 100,000 with a sliding factor going up with age to about 18 per 100,000. That means the VAST majority of people suffering with Covid-19 are actually just at home getting better.

Just be YOU don't know anyone, does not mean they don't exist. I have a family friend who is in the ICU and was on a ventilator for 2 weeks with Covid and an opportunistic pneumonia. I have a direct friend and his wife that both had Covid after a trip back from Denmark. I also have one of my closest friends who works in the Texas Medical Center, and we are at or close to capacity of ICU beds.

So before you assume that it doesn't exist because it's not personally affecting you, lets be intelligent and considerate about the situation.


Daily Driver
Apr 3, 2018
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Low country South Carolina
2019 California Special A10
All this really doesn't matter. COV is not going away.

So you can seclude yourself in your home, but one day the virus will get you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2019
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Mustang GT 2019
That's some Confirmation Bias if I've ever seen it.

So the 5 million number refers to the number of confirmed cases. According to the new definition of recovered, 2.4 million of that 5 million are recovered. In Cook County, there have been 110,000 confirmed cases. We do not know the number of cases in which are deemed recovered for Cook County, however, if we were to use the same rate, we'd say 50% were recovered. Furthermore, not every needs to go to the hospital when they have Coronavirus. Some who test positive, self-quarantine and get retested once all symptoms are gone. According to the CDC, the rate of hospitalization from Covid is around 4.6 people, per 100,000 with a sliding factor going up with age to about 18 per 100,000. That means the VAST majority of people suffering with Covid-19 are actually just at home getting better.

Just be YOU don't know anyone, does not mean they don't exist. I have a family friend who is in the ICU and was on a ventilator for 2 weeks with Covid and an opportunistic pneumonia. I have a direct friend and his wife that both had Covid after a trip back from Denmark. I also have one of my closest friends who works in the Texas Medical Center, and we are at or close to capacity of ICU beds.

So before you assume that it doesn't exist because it's not personally affecting you, lets be intelligent and considerate about the situation.
I feel my personal experience is a pretty good cross section and a decent sample size across the country. maybe read what I said. I didn't say it didn't exist I said the numbers i believe are inflated. And if you read enough of the stories you can see plenty of examples of hospitals and states inflating numbers to get more funding. There have been more then a few hospitals caught saying everything was covid and all deaths regardless of reason was covid. And several states that peopel involved came out and said they were told to inflate covid numbers.

And I can say same to you. Just because you know several people with it does not mean it is as bad as you think. Just because it is disproportionately affecting you does not mean it is everyone.

And technically just about everyones opinion on covid is confirmation bias. Every single person here on this thread is looking up info to agree with their opinion even you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2019
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Mustang GT 2019
All this really doesn't matter. COV is not going away.

So you can seclude yourself in your home, but one day the virus will get you.
Na it will all quietly get wrapped up in November.


Daily Driver
Apr 3, 2018
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Low country South Carolina
2019 California Special A10
Some of the craziness may stop. But COV is real. It isn't going away like the government promised. It will be here today and tomorrow and next year.

The people in charge are attempting to regulate the flow of patients into hospitals so they won't be over crowded. This is a chore they have no experience at, the doctors, politicians and hospitals. There are plenty of mistakes being made, people with power not letting a crisis go to waste, that's ok. Humane nature.

Point I'm making is you can't outrun this disease, you can try all the preventive measures you want...... but it will catch up with you.

Na it will all quietly get wrapped up in November.

