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  1. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    That would be the lefty definition and an abuse of the word. Anyone to the Right of a Democrat is alt right.
  2. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    Modify would be a better word, Hitler looked around the world to see how others were doing what he wanted to do. The D's at that time in the USA gave him plenty to think about.
  3. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    I, by definition, consider anyone truly on the far right advocating racial purity to be a moron,
  4. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    I'm sure your lefty textbooks have well laid argument.
  5. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    Racial purity, extracted from the American left, was only one plank in Hitlers horrifying platform.
  6. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    Well, Sleepy Joe finally condemned the looting and arson, only took him 3 months since it started and the polls told him he better shit or get off the pot.
  7. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    It is easy to see why the left has expended the energy it has in its attempt to put Nazism on the right.
  8. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    Poor Wacrybaby, it must suck when you watch him destroy lefty professor after lefty professor in debate.
  9. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    If they carry Nazi flags, sorry, they are on the left. Are there far right fruit loop groups, of course. I suppose I should clarify, are their idiots who carry the Nazi flag in the name of racial purity who don't understand it means a lot more than that to the original Nazi, yes.
  10. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    I did not imply his attack was justified, it was not, I merely pointed out his motivation. That you implied I did, well, that reflects on your integrity doesn't it.
  11. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    According to some European countries me being a Republican makes me an extreme Rightest. I have been trying to think of an right extremist bomber here in the USA, Timothy McVeigh came to mind, but he was motivated the Janet Reno's massacre of the Branch Davidians.
  12. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    Sorry, anything quoted from wiki doesn't hack it with me. Also, Republicans in Germany are called ultra-nationalists, so what does that tell you about the political scale in Germany?
  13. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    The left going so far left that the old DFL is endorsing Trump. Interesting that D candidates in MSP_STP are not seeking the endorsement of the DFL anymore. Dem mayor in MN endorsing Trump because 'he is looking out for our way of life'...
  14. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    He is a immigrant history professor without an axe to grind who routinely crushes lefty history professors with his command of facts at his speeches. The far right isn't what is threatening the USA, the far left is.
  15. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    I don't trust any of it. This sums up how I feel about Nazism and Fascism on the right. https://www.dineshdsouza.com/news/dsouza-shows-nazism-fascism-not-right-wing/
  16. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    The problem is that when someone has 100% control over something and can edit at will, it becomes almost impossible to determine what is accurate and what is not. I feel that the accuracy of things I have read on there isn't accurate, therefore I am disinclined to trust wiki.
  17. Will Joe Biden die of old age or be sent to prison?

    Wiki is controlled by those whose agenda I trust as far as I could throw you.
