
New EPA regs coming phaseout gas engines


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Hello; As we can easily recall one of the tactics during the Covid 19 debacles was for authorities to move the goal posts from time to time. Add to that tactic the about face progression of lies such as get the mRNA vaccine and you will not get Covid thru a few versions. Ending with you will get the infection but will not be so ill while having the vaccination to OH yeah some will die with the vaccination. I may have missed a few choice versions.

I watched the #2 episode of the PBS series, THE INVISIBLE SHIELD, about public health. The episode was called DATA. The tactic is to have some historical bits interspersed with current dogma. While there is no question beneficial things such as sanitary sewers and clean water resulted from early public health heroes, I question some of the modern agendas.
Covid 19 is linked with racism in the second episode. On top of that equity and inclusion got worked into the program about public health.
The bit which I found somewhat shocking and very concerning was in the last few moments of the episode. My take is they want to be able to monitor us all the time so as to be able to track illness more completely. A catchphrase from one presenter was we individuals ought to ask ourselves "What is my contribution to everyone else's risk?" They want us to hand over our freedoms to them so to let the health agencies have an ongoing data infrastructure perhaps using our cell phones as a tool. We should be willing to share our location, who we interact with to a government health agency all the time to maybe stop a pandemic in its tracks. If we give up such a level of privacy they promise if we trust them, they will not use the data against us. It is called the anticipatory modeling of future outbreaks using our personal information fed into a computer system. They will promise to not abuse our personal data if we trust the government.

One more tidbit. The episode went into what they termed not trusting the government as a broader disease of mistrust of government. Calling mistrust of government, the same disease that led to January 6th. YES, hard as it is to believe they tied in Jan 6th to public health with selected videos.

Back to Gregs list of links for a moment. Episode one of THE INVISIBLE SHIELD, was in siginifant part a justification of what the health authorities did during Covid's outbreak. Not just the vaccines but also the lockdowns and other aspects. They think they did a good job.

My poor summations do not catch the impact of these two episodes. likely worth a watch if you can find this series. I have a prediction of what the third episode could include. I suspect it will be about how they will try to call things other than pathogens a disease.


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You gentlemen do realize you have as much chance of changing anyone's mind as you have of all the air spontaneously leaving your living room?


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You gentlemen do realize you have as much chance of changing anyone's mind as you have of all the air spontaneously leaving your living room?
Hello; You may have a point; however, I am not so sure. If you refer to such as Gregs I can go along. He and a few others dwell on the dark side. Gregs is some easy to figure. He is financially dependent from being in the medical profession. At least he has claimed to be somehow associated. I may have missed it if he ever told us exactly how.
So, for decades many, including myself, had not questioned the notion that the medical field folks worked at a higher standard than many others. That the "do no harm" credo was sort of an absolute. There is a comfort in feeling that when you go to a doctor, he /she has your best interest at the heart of their practice. Well, some do, but now we know not all. I have over the decades heard of unethical folks in the medical, pharmaceutical, and health care field. I had figured they were rare outliers. After the covid years we now see such is not so rare.

Let me use at least one or maybe a few examples. Natural immunity is a good one. Before the Covid deceptions I and many other lay people knew of natural immunity. Fully expected all trained medical field folks to understand how natural immunity worked. But somehow that decades long understanding stopped on a dime for so many in the health care industry. Not all to be sure. Some ethical medical precociousness stood up for what is a known tenant of human and animal biology. Those who stood up for natural immunity were promptly punished. Doctors lost their jobs. Ask K4fxd. I, merely a low-level biology teacher, had my posting privilege revoked from a popular thread on this forum.

Now the question. Why would otherwise well-educated medical folks go against something they knew to be true. Maybe I cannot truly know what was in their heads but i can follow the money. Sometime after the height of the vaccine rollout it was posted on this forum of the huge amounts of money made by administering the Covid jabs.

Back to your point. Maybe we cannot change minds, but we help each other understand what is happening. I do not have all the answers. Sometimes I have none. But as a group we generally piece out plenty enough to have an understanding. I have picked up valuable information in these discussions.

I figure even if i cannot win I can still try.



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When someone's beliefs are challenged, they find more things that reinforce their beliefs. There doesn't need to be anything that supports these beliefs, just others that share the same beliefs. I'm really not interested in discussing COVID or vaccines. It would just piss me off.
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Aug 9, 2019
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You gentlemen do realize you have as much chance of changing anyone's mind as you have of all the air spontaneously leaving your living room?
well said! Though it is the same folks arguing the same subjects in threads other than the ones some got banned from for this same snizzle. Let it go, let it go lol.


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well said! Though it is the same folks arguing the same subjects in threads other than the ones some got banned from for this same snizzle. Let it go, let it go lol.
Hello; Yes the same subjects will continue to be argued from time to time as the matter is not resolved. Some of us were vilified and lost privileges while being correct and others who were very much incorrect get a pass. I do not expect things to be made right. I am not so naive.
The incidents some of us faced do become a valuable life lesson, however. During covid the vaccines were touted as the high bar for a response to the pandemic.
We are now in the Global warming/climate change era of top-down edicts which will fundamentally change lifestyles and perhaps more importantly vital transport and energy sectors. The examples of faulty top-down actions taken during Covid should give pause before swallowing whole and without question the tenants (perhaps hype) of the green & EV agenda.

During Covid top health care leaders sold us faulty bills of goods. Now top scientists are complicit in pushing an agenda with known faults. Both green energy and BEV's are not yet ready for prime time. We skeptics of the plans and unrealistic deadlines are making valid points. During covid we were essentially told to shut up, go away and do as we were told by our supposed betters. Ignoring the issues does not make them go away.


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All of your arguments boil down to one of 3 choices:

1. It's not really an emergency, so just Ignore it.
2. It really is an emergency, but lets do nothing and wait and see.
3. Do what you think is best at the time, which may not work out so well in hindsight.

Whatever choice you make will get you pushback from those who picked the other choices and some feelings are going to get hurt. The "victims" hurt feelings will persist long after the emergency is gone and forgotten.

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All of your arguments boil down to one of 3 choices:

1. It's not really an emergency, so just Ignore it.
2. It really is an emergency, but lets do nothing and wait and see.
3. Do what you think is best at the time, which may not work out so well in hindsight.

Whatever choice you make will get you pushback from those who picked the other choices and some feelings are going to get hurt. The "victims" hurt feelings will persist long after the emergency is gone and forgotten.

You are arguing with somebody I ignore - probably best you do the same!



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All of your arguments boil down to one of 3 choices:

1. It's not really an emergency, so just Ignore it.
2. It really is an emergency, but lets do nothing and wait and see.
3. Do what you think is best at the time, which may not work out so well in hindsight.

Whatever choice you make will get you pushback from those who picked the other choices.
Hello; Afraid this does not make sense on two levels. First it is not clear to whom you are addressing these comments.
In case it is me my response is; First, what "it" re you talking about? Aside from not enough information, let me presume you are referring to climate change or EV's or green energy or perhaps all three.

The idealized notion of green energy and BEV's to combat the extreme view that humans are mainly the cause of climate change likely seem somewhat noble to any who have not critically examined or questioned the tenants.
There are faults with the green energy and BEV agendas. So many have been discussed in detail on the forum. Without repeating all let me condense the faults.

Not ready for prime time, which means neither green energy nor EV's can currently do the jobs they must do if conventional energy and transport systems are abandoned. Maybe over a very long time frame the issues can be worked out, but the 2030 & 2035 sort of deadlines are plainly unrealistic. I and perhaps others are OK with green energy and EV's as a part of energy & transport once they are proven to work as needed and are reliable.

Cost is another big issue not given enough consideration by the champions of the green & EV agenda. To switch over to a new energy & transport system will cost trillions we do not actually have. Especially in the accelerated time frames desired by the champions. Had the plan been to replace the old reliable power plants as they wore out, such would be acceptable. We in the west are tearing down working coal fired power plants and hydro dams before their time for an unproven agenda. Dare i mention how China and India are constructing multitudes more coal plants at the same time?

A trade in of one set of environmental emissions/pollutants for a different set of emissions and pollutants. I do not argue that coal and fossil fuels are clean, but to be grounded in reality neither are the green energy & EV replacements clean.

I am sure i miss other fundamental points and hope others can chime in. My last point today is this new green& EV agenda will have us living a do without lifestyle. There simply are not enough raw materials (metals & rare earth) to build all the needed EV batteries and green infrastructure. This is perhaps the single biggest stumbling block of all. I get the JFK man on the moon sort of hopes that new inventions & discoveries will fall into place as needed, but not something to hang a hat on.

Last bit for now. The green energy & EV agendas are contingent on man caused climate change being both real and that these agendas can actually make a difference if man caused climate change happens to be real. I contend we humans are polluting sorts and may add a slight layer onto climate change. I figure the overwhelming factors changing the climate are natural and beyond mans influence by large degrees.
The second part of this is how much can the Green & EV agendas do to rectify the problem? By the information presented by the champions if we go to carbon zero today the effect will be tiny and not start for something like 50 or more years.

I will not do a follow the money paragraph today.


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" It" is whatever you want it to be, climate change, EVs, COVID, vaccines, Emerald Ash borer infestation, Zombie Apocalypse, etc.


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" It" is whatever you want it to be, climate change, EVs, COVID, vaccines, Emerald Ash borer infestation, Zombie Apocalypse, etc.
Hello; So, i and others who are raising alarms about a very foolish and likely devastating energy policy are, to you, merely chicken littles doing a sky is falling thing. You lump our concerns with zombies to belittle the concerns.

The rest of your list are real things. Covid the virus was and continues to a real biological issue. Covid, I took seriously. The policy responses to covid including vaccines are the parts of the pandemic I and others find fault with. Emerald ash borers are a real threat and not a joke. Along with a long list of invasive species present a real set of problems not to be taken lightly. Surely not fodder for you to use as a putdown, which is what the comment is.

Climate change is real. The climate has changed according to the evidence discovered for hundreds of millions of years. A constant and ongoing thing. Seems to me the thinking is backward with regard to climate change. Assuming the warming trend is real regardless of man's influence, then use the resources at hand to adapt to the change rather than try to stop the inevitable. But I understand the tactic.

You can disagree with my positions on these subjects. I present reasoned responses. When my reasoning contains flaws I welcome the flaws to be pointed out.


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Don't need any luck

The evidence is all there clear as day to those that have eyes and want to learn. Of course YOU will not read them because you don't want to hear the truth.
The links you've posted are a combo of press release/auto-fellacio. None are worth the electrons it took to display them. Are you really this myopic? I fundamentally distrust the entire structure.

The medical system has evolved into little more than a distribution mechanism for the pharmaceutical industry. Pharma is pushing every drug they can on every advertising platform they can find. The doctors are not independent, but part of massive healthcare conglomerates that make more money selling drugs than they do fixing health problems. Patients are looking for easy ways out, so instead of eating well and exercising, we live on stress, eat like shit and sleep poorly. Doctors can shovel enough pills so most patients can continue limping along chronically unhealthy for decades. The company the doctor works for is losing money on the doctor's appt, but they make money on the drug sales on the back side, so stock prices grow. Why do Americans take such a staggering number of drugs? Ask Willy Sutton, "That's where the money is."

So that's the actual environment we're working in. How do you make more money? You sell more drugs. How do you sell more drugs? You make it mandatory for everyone take. You don't even give them a choice. What is the only drug which this would even be remotely acceptable? A vaccine.

I'm not suggesting that Covid was released on purpose to produce this scenario. I think the release was accidental and due to incompetence. I also believe the US was paying for the research to be done and knee deep in advancing illegal, or at the very least ill-advised, research. But, once the virus was out, well, we shouldn't let a tragedy go to waste, should we? (An aside...we're still paying for this ongoing research.)

If you don't absolutely have to mandate something, it's always best, so it began with a huge social push for the vaccine. "If you don't take it you're killing grandma" type shit. Then it started being mandatory. I took it because I travel a lot for work and I had to have it to go to Europe. I could fly out of the country without the shot, but I couldn't fly back in. Government agencies made it compulsory, businesses, etc. The vitriol that was spewed towards the unvaccinated was complete bullshit and it was coming from a twin chorus of the government and the medical establishment. Pig/Human - I couldn't tell the difference.


This was the money end of it. There are any number of companies that show similar profiles. They had massive government funded windfalls and the ultra-wealthy became much more so. While corporations grabbed for cash, our government grabbed for power. Special cards were issued. There were talks of dining passports. I was not able to eat out in France even though I was vaccinated because it took weeks to get a restaurant passport. I know of a company where they considered different name-tags for vaxxed/unvaxxxed status, gold stars on the breast, perhaps? They mandated these ridiculous masks. No I'm not a medical expert, but I did graduate with a specialization in fluid mechanics and on that subject I can speak. The common masks were, at best, performance art. I believe they were actually a psychological reminder to not speak against what was happening. The symbolism is almost too on the nose. They produce the protective capacity of a screen door on the Titanic and likely caused bacterial infections due to people chronically breathing moist, recycled air. Imagine the stupidity of designing an HVAC system for a building this way.

Gregs mentioned some red-herring about vaccine type. There were 3 main suppliers in the US. Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. The J&J vaccine was a traditional vaccine with a single dose which ended up accounting for only a small portion of the total jabs. I was originally getting this one, but they had to pull it the week I was getting it because people were getting blood clots. Go figure, a week later, it was re-instated. It has since been discontinued. I ended up getting the Moderna. Both Moderna and Pfizer are made with the mRNA technology and these were far and away the most popular jabs. Don't mistake the fact that the J&J vaccine was still a stupid move. It's insanity to vaccinate into an active pandemic, because you're providing the virus with beneficial mutation paths and an a vast number of tries to solve the riddle. But, at the very least, it was a tradition delivery mechanism. The mRNA vaccines are what have really been the issue as they have been blamed for a myriad of long and short term problems. This is the first widespread use of the technology and we have ~250 million test cases in the US alone. There is zero motivation or advantage for the medical community to find a problem with the vaccine, so they never well. There are many issues with the mRNA technology, but ultimately it comes down to the repeated lies every step of the way.

The vaccine was barely tested. At first it was "100% effective". Do we remember the story at how that number came to be? After actual release, the touted effectiveness percentage dropped daily. Eventually, the medical establishment had to admit the vaccine did nothing with respect to contracting Covid and has hung their hat on the claim that it makes the disease less fatal. Of course, this is completely unfalsifiable. We know that as a pandemic virus evolves, it generally gets less lethal. This is what we observed with Omicron-to-present Covid, and the vaccine benefitted from this shift while introducing issues of its own.

We have just gone through 2 years of a significant number of excess deaths of people under 50 not attributable to covid. Our professional sports stars have dropped unconscious and sometimes dead right in front of us. We fail to acknowledge what we all know is true. It's too awful to admit. We were poisoned by our government and the medical professionals we trust to keep us healthy so they could make exorbitant amounts of money and grab unprecedented social power. The rank and file workers didn't make these millions and billions, but they were good little soldiers on the front line of getting it. Actually, nurses were a bit of a problem to get to take the shot, but they had no problem doling them out. Nurses tended to be vaccine hesitant where doctors were almost 100% jabbed.

Almost no one in a position of influence has reflected on their actions during the vaccine period. We have people like Gregs here that is still doubling down. He will go down with the ship. You have to be very intelligent to be a medical professional, but it doesn't pay to have independent thought. No one ever climbed a big bureaucracy by ruffling feathers and these healthcare conglomerates are the most vile, back-stabbing bureaucracies you can imagine. They aren't there for health or care. They're there for money. The sooner we all understand this, the better. There are very good individuals in health care, especially in the hospitals, but they are working in a fundamentally corrupt system.

So, am I pissed? Yes, I am. Our medical profession, as a whole, betrayed not only the people that rely on them, but they betrayed themselves by violating their Hippocratic Oath. Maybe that's why they refuse to accept reality? Regardless, we did not act as a liberal country should. The first impulse was to mimic the CCP lock-downs and institute authoritarianism. Canada and Oz were even worse than the US. My life slowed for about 6 weeks and then took back off. I had 1k flight status in 21, 22 and 23. The country was not crippled because of Covid. I was all over. It was crippled because of our response to Covid. None of the hygiene theatre had legitimate scientific backing. I watched people getting onto planes nearly in SCUBA gear (always with the obligatory clear FACE SHIELD!). It was a form of madness, but this madness was also a form of control. For me, the medical profession clearly showed that this is a level of control which they cannot be trusted. The institutional rot and misplaced incentives runs too deep for me to ever trust them, again.

