
New EPA regs coming phaseout gas engines


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Aug 31, 2018
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The links you've posted are a combo of press release/auto-fellacio. None are worth the electrons it took to display them. Are you really this myopic? I fundamentally distrust the entire structure.

The medical system has evolved into little more than a distribution mechanism for the pharmaceutical industry. Pharma is pushing every drug they can on every advertising platform they can find. The doctors are not independent, but part of massive healthcare conglomerates that make more money selling drugs than they do fixing health problems. Patients are looking for easy ways out, so instead of eating well and exercising, we live on stress, eat like shit and sleep poorly. Doctors can shovel enough pills so most patients can continue limping along chronically unhealthy for decades. The company the doctor works for is losing money on the doctor's appt, but they make money on the drug sales on the back side, so stock prices grow. Why do Americans take such a staggering number of drugs? Ask Willy Sutton, "That's where the money is."

So that's the actual environment we're working in. How do you make more money? You sell more drugs. How do you sell more drugs? You make it mandatory for everyone take. You don't even give them a choice. What is the only drug which this would even be remotely acceptable? A vaccine.

I'm not suggesting that Covid was released on purpose to produce this scenario. I think the release was accidental and due to incompetence. I also believe the US was paying for the research to be done and knee deep in advancing illegal, or at the very least ill-advised, research. But, once the virus was out, well, we shouldn't let a tragedy go to waste, should we? (An aside...we're still paying for this ongoing research.)

If you don't absolutely have to mandate something, it's always best, so it began with a huge social push for the vaccine. "If you don't take it you're killing grandma" type shit. Then it started being mandatory. I took it because I travel a lot for work and I had to have it to go to Europe. I could fly out of the country without the shot, but I couldn't fly back in. Government agencies made it compulsory, businesses, etc. The vitriol that was spewed towards the unvaccinated was complete bullshit and it was coming from a twin chorus of the government and the medical establishment. Pig/Human - I couldn't tell the difference.


This was the money end of it. There are any number of companies that show similar profiles. They had massive government funded windfalls and the ultra-wealthy became much more so. While corporations grabbed for cash, our government grabbed for power. Special cards were issued. There were talks of dining passports. I was not able to eat out in France even though I was vaccinated because it took weeks to get a restaurant passport. I know of a company where they considered different name-tags for vaxxed/unvaxxxed status, gold stars on the breast, perhaps? They mandated these ridiculous masks. No I'm not a medical expert, but I did graduate with a specialization in fluid mechanics and on that subject I can speak. The common masks were, at best, performance art. I believe they were actually a psychological reminder to not speak against what was happening. The symbolism is almost too on the nose. They produce the protective capacity of a screen door on the Titanic and likely caused bacterial infections due to people chronically breathing moist, recycled air. Imagine the stupidity of designing an HVAC system for a building this way.

Gregs mentioned some red-herring about vaccine type. There were 3 main suppliers in the US. Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. The J&J vaccine was a traditional vaccine with a single dose which ended up accounting for only a small portion of the total jabs. I was originally getting this one, but they had to pull it the week I was getting it because people were getting blood clots. Go figure, a week later, it was re-instated. It has since been discontinued. I ended up getting the Moderna. Both Moderna and Pfizer are made with the mRNA technology and these were far and away the most popular jabs. Don't mistake the fact that the J&J vaccine was still a stupid move. It's insanity to vaccinate into an active pandemic, because you're providing the virus with beneficial mutation paths and an a vast number of tries to solve the riddle. But, at the very least, it was a tradition delivery mechanism. The mRNA vaccines are what have really been the issue as they have been blamed for a myriad of long and short term problems. This is the first widespread use of the technology and we have ~250 million test cases in the US alone. There is zero motivation or advantage for the medical community to find a problem with the vaccine, so they never well. There are many issues with the mRNA technology, but ultimately it comes down to the repeated lies every step of the way.

The vaccine was barely tested. At first it was "100% effective". Do we remember the story at how that number came to be? After actual release, the touted effectiveness percentage dropped daily. Eventually, the medical establishment had to admit the vaccine did nothing with respect to contracting Covid and has hung their hat on the claim that it makes the disease less fatal. Of course, this is completely unfalsifiable. We know that as a pandemic virus evolves, it generally gets less lethal. This is what we observed with Omicron-to-present Covid, and the vaccine benefitted from this shift while introducing issues of its own.

We have just gone through 2 years of a significant number of excess deaths of people under 50 not attributable to covid. Our professional sports stars have dropped unconscious and sometimes dead right in front of us. We fail to acknowledge what we all know is true. It's too awful to admit. We were poisoned by our government and the medical professionals we trust to keep us healthy so they could make exorbitant amounts of money and grab unprecedented social power. The rank and file workers didn't make these millions and billions, but they were good little soldiers on the front line of getting it. Actually, nurses were a bit of a problem to get to take the shot, but they had no problem doling them out. Nurses tended to be vaccine hesitant where doctors were almost 100% jabbed.

Almost no one in a position of influence has reflected on their actions during the vaccine period. We have people like Gregs here that is still doubling down. He will go down with the ship. You have to be very intelligent to be a medical professional, but it doesn't pay to have independent thought. No one ever climbed a big bureaucracy by ruffling feathers and these healthcare conglomerates are the most vile, back-stabbing bureaucracies you can imagine. They aren't there for health or care. They're there for money. The sooner we all understand this, the better. There are very good individuals in health care, especially in the hospitals, but they are working in a fundamentally corrupt system.

So, am I pissed? Yes, I am. Our medical profession, as a whole, betrayed not only the people that rely on them, but they betrayed themselves by violating their Hippocratic Oath. Maybe that's why they refuse to accept reality? Regardless, we did not act as a liberal country should. The first impulse was to mimic the CCP lock-downs and institute authoritarianism. Canada and Oz were even worse than the US. My life slowed for about 6 weeks and then took back off. I had 1k flight status in 21, 22 and 23. The country was not crippled because of Covid. I was all over. It was crippled because of our response to Covid. None of the hygiene theatre had legitimate scientific backing. I watched people getting onto planes nearly in SCUBA gear (always with the obligatory clear FACE SHIELD!). It was a form of madness, but this madness was also a form of control. For me, the medical profession clearly showed that this is a level of control which they cannot be trusted. The institutional rot and misplaced incentives runs too deep for me to ever trust them, again.
The links I posted were from reputable peer reviewed scientific journals. If you can't work out the difference between those and opinion MSM pieces that is your loss. If you distrust the entire structure then don't waste any more time on here because clearly your mind is closed to any form of evidence.

At NO POINT was the vaccine (or any vaccine ever) 100% effective, nor was it claimed. From DAY 1 it was crystal clear that the vaccine was there to reduce disease severity not prevent the disease full stop. If you misunderstood that, it is YOUR problem.

Vaccinating in the face of an outbreak is a well established and proven method for control in humans and animals and has been used for decades.

I posted a while ago in an appropriate thread about the UK Covid enquiry which is doing EXACTLY what you say is not going on. A detailed review of the response to Covid and where lessons can be learned. This includes EVERYBODY who was in a position of influence at the time, including the Prime Minister who has already given evidence together with families of victims of Covid. Sorry if that doesn't fit with your ranting but it is happening in exactly the opposite way to what you are saying.

UK Covid-19 Inquiry (covid19.public-inquiry.uk)

Indeed something similar is happening in the US

Coronavirus Oversight - All COVID-19 Reports | U.S. GAO

Your last paragraph just echo's your first. You distrust everybody, again YOUR problem. Keep your tinfoil hat on and go underground would be my advice.



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Apr 27, 2020
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So Cal
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Honda Odyssey, Toyota Tacoma, 89 GT project, 2020 Magnetic EB HPP w/ 6M
Your last paragraph just echo's your first. You distrust everybody, again YOUR problem. Keep your tinfoil hat on and go underground would be my advice.
I've travelled all over the planet while everyone else has been stuffed in their homes for the last 4 years. Are you sure I'm the one that's distrustful and crazy? As you might suspect, I'm fine with the accusation, regardless.

And of course my last paragraph echoed my first. Didn't you ever write a 5th grade essay? That's how you're supposed to do it.

Your links were from formerly reputable sources. The Lancet was a WHO mouthpiece for Covid and ended up showing obvious bias against inconvenient truths. Remember all those scientist who came out publicly saying it couldn't have been from a lab while they privately among themselves saying it likely did. Look at this, March 2020 and making all sorts of grand proclamations on what we know about Covid. This is nothing but propaganda. It's not The Lancet, but this was everywhere.


I only distrust those who have been repeatedly shown to lie or blindly parrot dogma. You're the latter. No one with any brain believed it, but the vax was originally touted as 100% effective. Perhaps you've memory-holed it? This is the third hit on a search and happens to be about the Novavax. They claim, "100% effective against the original strain." The next is Pfizer. It says the same thing.



You ignore this shit because it's super inconvenient, but it's only 1 of the laundry-list of colossally stupid things that the medical establishment said concerning Covid. Do you remember how they came up with the number 100%? They had 2 groups, 1 vaxxed and 1 control. 4 of the unvaxxed ended up getting Covid during the study. 2 of the vaxxed people got Covid during the study. 4 is twice 2, so the vax is 100% effective. They fucking went with those numbers! They wanted it to sound good and they didn't care about the fact that they were obviously lying because it was "for our own good." That's why many of us know people who just dropped dead in the middle of normal days, because we were told the vaccine was Safe and Effective. It was neither.

You can stick your fingers in your ears all you want, but this shit is the truth, Gregs. You can't win. Every day the cards forming your foundation bend a little further.


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Aug 31, 2018
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
I've travelled all over the planet while everyone else has been stuffed in their homes for the last 4 years. Are you sure I'm the one that's distrustful and crazy? As you might suspect, I'm fine with the accusation, regardless.

And of course my last paragraph echoed my first. Didn't you ever write a 5th grade essay? That's how you're supposed to do it.

Your links were from formerly reputable sources. The Lancet was a WHO mouthpiece for Covid and ended up showing obvious bias against inconvenient truths. Remember all those scientist who came out publicly saying it couldn't have been from a lab while they privately among themselves saying it likely did. Look at this, March 2020 and making all sorts of grand proclamations on what we know about Covid. This is nothing but propaganda. It's not The Lancet, but this was everywhere.


I only distrust those who have been repeatedly shown to lie or blindly parrot dogma. You're the latter. No one with any brain believed it, but the vax was originally touted as 100% effective. Perhaps you've memory-holed it? This is the third hit on a search and happens to be about the Novavax. They claim, "100% effective against the original strain." The next is Pfizer. It says the same thing.



You ignore this shit because it's super inconvenient, but it's only 1 of the laundry-list of colossally stupid things that the medical establishment said concerning Covid. Do you remember how they came up with the number 100%? They had 2 groups, 1 vaxxed and 1 control. 4 of the unvaxxed ended up getting Covid during the study. 2 of the vaxxed people got Covid during the study. 4 is twice 2, so the vax is 100% effective. They fucking went with those numbers! They wanted it to sound good and they didn't care about the fact that they were obviously lying because it was "for our own good." That's why many of us know people who just dropped dead in the middle of normal days, because we were told the vaccine was Safe and Effective. It was neither.

You can stick your fingers in your ears all you want, but this shit is the truth, Gregs. You can't win. Every day the cards forming your foundation bend a little further.

Clinical trial results of Pfizer/BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine showed its efficacy is 100% - from your link

Measuring protection: efficacy versus effectiveness - PubMed (nih.gov)

100% efficacy NOT effective - two different words with different meanings. BUT you don't understand what that means obviously. It does NOT mean that it will protect from disease/ stop you catching the disease, it DOES mean that in 100% of those sampled it produced antibodies against the strain. of COVID it was designed to.

I'm afraid this is where people who are not qualified or educated in a specific subject can come unstuck as is the case with your understanding.

I'm afraid your mathematical assumption is incorrect too (not sure where those numbers are in the two links?) which suggests you have not had any training in statistics and probability.

You can keep on ranting, but we actually know well the strengths and weaknesses of the vaccines now, we know their efficacy and effectiveness, we know the same for other measures that were taken and as I mentioned (but you ignored) we are also reviewing independently everything that was done during Covid in the UK to see what lessons can be learned for the future and the next pandemic (of which there will most certainly be one). That is what responsible people and scientists do, so that they can learn from the past.

I have been travelling the world as well by the way, except when Covid was ongoing and restrictions were in place preventing me, you and everybody else from moving around at certain times. I have no idea why anybody would have been 'stuffed in their homes for the last 4 years' when there have been no restrictions in any country now for around 2 years. Have you not noticed all these people out and about?

You can go on distrusting everybody and everything but one day one of those people will be tasked with diagnosing a problem and saving your life.


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Not to mention no less than 15 so-called intelligence agencies KNEW what the chinese were up to many months before it became real.

The UsG even financed it!

That lab had been cited repeatedly for failures to follow protocol and the UN advised it be shut down on principle.

Then the bug gets out and all the govt entities say it's "inconceivable".


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Apr 27, 2020
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You can go on distrusting everybody and everything but one day one of those people will be tasked with diagnosing a problem and saving your life.
We all know what was all over every newspaper and screen. It was a con-job all along.

As far as my medical use, if it's something acute, like a broken bone, I have no doubt they'll do a fine job. If it's some sort of chronic disease, the likelihood that our medical system could actually fix the problem is pretty low. You're missing the point. You've lost the public trust through lies and hubris. Three years ago I would have been banned after my first post. Two years ago I would have had 1/2 a dozen people attacking me and my ancestry for even suggesting there was something amiss. A year ago you would have had two or three supporting you. The mass incompetence and gross corruption of the American medical system has been exposed for all to see and now you are alone. How does it feel?

Keep fighting all you want. Call me any names you want. Make any accusation you wish. You are on the authoritarian side of history. You can't change that. You can't go back. There is no reset. You are that person. It's a bit unsettling to find that out about ones self, huh?



Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
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Honda Odyssey, Toyota Tacoma, 89 GT project, 2020 Magnetic EB HPP w/ 6M
I have been travelling the world as well by the way, except when Covid was ongoing and restrictions were in place preventing me, you and everybody else from moving around at certain times. I have no idea why anybody would have been 'stuffed in their homes for the last 4 years' when there have been no restrictions in any country now for around 2 years. Have you not noticed all these people out and about?
You haven't traveled like I have, so put your 'as well' to the side. You have no idea why people would be stuffed in their houses? Because the medical establishment spent 2 solid years scaring people into thinking they were going to die if they were so crazy as shake hands or touch a door handle, that's why. Go drive for 10 minutes in any city, and I bet you see someone in their car alone wearing a mask. That's a form of psychosis or at least PTSD. This is the legacy of the policies you support.

We locked everyone down for 2 years. You're acting like it didn't even happen because you don't understand how detrimental that was to our society. You still think you were helping.


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Aug 31, 2018
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Wiltshire UK & Charente FR
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
We all know what was all over every newspaper and screen. It was a con-job all along.

As far as my medical use, if it's something acute, like a broken bone, I have no doubt they'll do a fine job. If it's some sort of chronic disease, the likelihood that our medical system could actually fix the problem is pretty low. You're missing the point. You've lost the public trust through lies and hubris. Three years ago I would have been banned after my first post. Two years ago I would have had 1/2 a dozen people attacking me and my ancestry for even suggesting there was something amiss. A year ago you would have had two or three supporting you. The mass incompetence and gross corruption of the American medical system has been exposed for all to see and now you are alone. How does it feel?

Keep fighting all you want. Call me any names you want. Make any accusation you wish. You are on the authoritarian side of history. You can't change that. You can't go back. There is no reset. You are that person. It's a bit unsettling to find that out about ones self, huh?
I don't have any problems with my behaviour

You completely ignored your error between efficacy and effectiveness - bit awkward for you was it :like:

I am not American (not sure why you missed that bit) and I have already explained about the independent inquiry into the UK response to Covid - but again you ignore that and just keep ranting.

Seems the big issue here is you. As I said before best you keep your tinfoil hat on and hide underground.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
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Wiltshire UK & Charente FR
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
You haven't traveled like I have, so put your 'as well' to the side. You have no idea why people would be stuffed in their houses? Because the medical establishment spent 2 solid years scaring people into thinking they were going to die if they were so crazy as shake hands or touch a door handle, that's why. Go drive for 10 minutes in any city, and I bet you see someone in their car alone wearing a mask. That's a form of psychosis or at least PTSD. This is the legacy of the policies you support.

We locked everyone down for 2 years. You're acting like it didn't even happen because you don't understand how detrimental that was to our society. You still think you were helping.
More ranting

Comical how you assert YOU have travelled more than I have - you have NO IDEA about my movements and yet like other things you don't let lack of evidence stop you expressing an (incorrect) opinion.

You do realise that some people wear masks for things other than Covid don't you - Oh you obviously don't. You do know that mask wearing was commonplace in Asian countries long before Covid don't you - obviously not.

I'm really not sure why somebody choosing to wear a mask, whether for work (the medical profession have been wearing masks for decades because we know about the risks of aerosol spread of disease, indeed we wear masks to PROTECT others) or any other reason such as dust / hay fever etc should cause YOU so much anguish.

Oh and the pros / cons of lockdown are part of our independent review - but again you will ignore that as well


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Apr 27, 2020
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I don't have any problems with my behaviour

You completely ignored your error between efficacy and effectiveness - bit awkward for you was it :like:
1. Yes, we all know this, and that's the problem. A little more self-awareness and a little less narcissism would be nice.

2. We all know how the vax was sold. If you want to play in the minutia, you can, but you're just avoiding the reality of what happened.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
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Wiltshire UK & Charente FR
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
1. Yes, we all know this, and that's the problem. A little more self-awareness and a little less narcissism would be nice.

2. We all know how the vax was sold. If you want to play in the minutia, you can, but you're just avoiding the reality of what happened.
It was YOU that claimed 100% effectiveness not me. YOU were wrong - come on fess up.

You just don't get it do you - an independent review of how Covid was dealt with in the UK, Lots of self awareness, self criticism, analysis - all the things you claim you want but keep ignoring.



Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
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So Cal
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Honda Odyssey, Toyota Tacoma, 89 GT project, 2020 Magnetic EB HPP w/ 6M
More ranting

Comical how you assert YOU have travelled more than I have - you have NO IDEA about my movements and yet like other things you don't let lack of evidence stop you expressing an (incorrect) opinion.

You do realise that some people wear masks for things other than Covid don't you - Oh you obviously don't. You do know that mask wearing was commonplace in Asian countries long before Covid don't you - obviously not.

I'm really not sure why somebody choosing to wear a mask, whether for work (the medical profession have been wearing masks for decades because we know about the risks of aerosol spread of disease, indeed we wear masks to PROTECT others) or any other reason such as dust / hay fever etc should cause YOU so much anguish.

Oh and the pros / cons of lockdown are part of our independent review - but again you will ignore that as well
I don't have to know how much you've traveled; I know how much I did. If you've gone over 1/2 million miles since Jan 2020, you win.

There is a very small group of primarily older Asians that would wear masks prior to 2020 if *they* had a cold. Now there's a noticeable chunk of the population that appears to have some sort of mental disorder concerning them as they wear them as some sort of breathing protection. I see high-school kids wearing them, regularly. Why?

*YOU* know so much! If only the Plebes would fall into line! Puff out that chest and spread those feathers a little more. They'll be sure to follow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
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Wiltshire UK & Charente FR
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
I don't have to know how much you've traveled; I know how much I did. If you've gone over 1/2 million miles since Jan 2020, you win.
:clap: Well done - hope you got loads of airmiles

Clearly this makes your knowledge of epidemiology far superior to mine :like:


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
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So Cal
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Honda Odyssey, Toyota Tacoma, 89 GT project, 2020 Magnetic EB HPP w/ 6M
It was YOU that claimed 100% effectiveness not me. YOU were wrong - come on fess up.

You just don't get it do you - an independent review of how Covid was dealt with in the UK, Lots of self awareness, self criticism, analysis - all the things you claim you want but keep ignoring.
Honestly, guy, this isn't even hard. the 100% effective was all over. How many links do you want?



Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
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So Cal
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Honda Odyssey, Toyota Tacoma, 89 GT project, 2020 Magnetic EB HPP w/ 6M
:clap: Well done - hope you got loads of airmiles

Clearly this makes your knowledge of epidemiology far superior to mine :like:
People like you always want to hang your hat on a specialty. I don't *have* to know 1 thing about epidemiology. I know about the scientific method. I understand what it is to create, test and use a part in the field. I know when someone is playing by the rules and when they're not.

You are exposed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
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Wiltshire UK & Charente FR
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
I only distrust those who have been repeatedly shown to lie or blindly parrot dogma. You're the latter. No one with any brain believed it, but the vax was originally touted as 100% effective. Perhaps you've memory-holed it? This is the third hit on a search and happens to be about the Novavax. They claim, "100% effective against the original strain." The next is Pfizer. It says the same thing.

You ignore this shit because it's super inconvenient, but it's only 1 of the laundry-list of colossally stupid things that the medical establishment said concerning Covid. Do you remember how they came up with the number 100%? They had 2 groups, 1 vaxxed and 1 control. 4 of the unvaxxed ended up getting Covid during the study. 2 of the vaxxed people got Covid during the study. 4 is twice 2, so the vax is 100% effective. They fucking went with those numbers! They wanted it to sound good and they didn't care about the fact that they were obviously lying because it was "for our own good." That's why many of us know people who just dropped dead in the middle of normal days, because we were told the vaccine was Safe and Effective. It was neither.

You can stick your fingers in your ears all you want, but this shit is the truth, Gregs. You can't win. Every day the cards forming your foundation bend a little further.
1. Yes, we all know this, and that's the problem. A little more self-awareness and a little less narcissism would be nice.

2. We all know how the vax was sold. If you want to play in the minutia, you can, but you're just avoiding the reality of what happened.
The central part of your post there was the 100% effectiveness.

Crucially the minutia in the wording (efficacy v effectiveness as per YOUR quoted links) means that you whole post is worthless because you simply misunderstood and it is based on incorrect assumptions.

What you should do in this situation is self reflect a bit and go - hey I misunderstood that, I was wrong and so my mistrust based on an incorrect assumption is invalid.

What you shouldn't do when shown to be incorrect is ignore it and just keep ranting. Well at least if you want to be taken seriously it is!

