Norm Peterson
corner barstool sitter
True, but you at least get a specific warning each time you enter such a zone.You can already get speeding tickets in the mail and you do not need a connected car to get them. They are radar speed traps and there are signs on the roads that have them. I got caught on 95 once in between Baltimore and Washington, DC.
It'd be a tortured interpretation of "adequate warning" to expect every driver to find, read, and remember a vague-ish warning buried somewhere in the 500+ pages of Owner Manual content.
Actually, I know I've seen some sort of notice about what the telematics in our 2019 WRX could be transmitting. It's somewhere in the manuals. And even knowing more or less what to look for, I'll be damned if I've been able to find it again . . . and that's when actively search for it. If I do manage to find it any time soon, I'll post it up. Ford's version isn't likely to be much different.