
sync 3 3.0

  1. 16 to 18 Mustang Sync 3.0 to 3.4?

    Good morning everyone, approximate clicking on the thread. Has anyone updated from Sync 3.0 to 3.4 using this method? Link Below https://cyanlabs.net/tutorials/update-ford-sync-3-2-2-3-0-to-version-3-4-all-years-3-4-19200/
  2. New SYNC 3.0 update was just put out . SYNCGen3.0_3.0.19205_PRODUCT

    Looks like those with Sync 3 3.0, there is a new update . SYNCGen3.0_3.0.19205_PRODUCT 8 files for me and 2.3G , so it's a big one owner.ford.com . (and I've read the Lincolns get one too)
