
Search results

  1. info on diy tuning

    Hello, I am trying to find some more information on DIY tuning guides or a collection of resource's. I'm not planning to self tune but knowing how the system works is key for problem solving. I am looking for information on fueling specifically if this ecu uses separate fueling strategies for...
  2. missing harness and bracket in dr kick.

    So i was running rcas up the dr side i get to my driver kick panel so i know the hood pop gets taken out so i go in there with a pick and see one of the clips pushed in to the point where it cant springback. some one frigging took this thing off once and they sucked at putting it back wtf... i...
  3. New member introduction

    Greetings my name is ryan and i am from long island ny. I have on order a atlas blue 300a gt with 3.55 rear gear and the MT. I am really excited to learn as much as i can from the forums. i am a firm believer that you can find your question asked and answered somewhere. I installed car stereos...
