
Search results

  1. Update on trail of bad luck with my GT350

    just wanted to post with some good news finally - thought I'd share with ya'll. Context: I had a bad alternator a few months after purchase in April 2022, a blown engine in December 2022, and another bad alternator in May 2023. Total time spent inside shop was around 75 days + between all 3...
  2. Pursue a buyback?

    Backstory: I purchased a used 2020 GT350 @ 4400 miles in Oct 2021. Since then the compressor has gone bad, the long block has been replaced, and the compressor has gone bad again. 1st compressor: early 2022 Catastrophic engine failure(bent pistons): end of 2022 2nd compressor: early 2023 and its...
  3. Used GT350 buying guide

    Hello all, Is there a guide on buying a USED GT350? What to look for, potential dealbreakers, things I can use against the dealership to reduce the price? Examples: 4K miles 2019 GT350 with worn-out stock tires indicates it was used for track use ( higher potential for engine failure? ) Engine...
