
The solution to voting

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Mar 8, 2015
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"Confessions of a Democrat voting fraudster"

"Phony Ballots

The ballot has no specific security features — like a stamp or a watermark — so the insider said he would just make his own ballots.

“I just put [the ballot] through the copy machine and it comes out the same way,” the insider said.

But the return envelopes are “more secure than the ballot. You could never recreate the envelope,” he said. So they had to be collected from real voters."


He would have his operatives fan out, going house-to-house, convincing voters to let them mail completed ballots on their behalf as a public service. The fraudster and his minions would then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them over boiling water.

“You have to steam it to loosen the glue,” said the insider.

He then would remove the real ballot, place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate, and reseal the envelope.

“Five minutes per ballot tops,” said the insider.

You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.” In some cases, mail carriers were members of his “work crew,” and would sift ballots from the mail and hand them over to the operative.

Voter Impersonation

When all else failed, the insider would send operatives to vote live in polling stations, particularly in states like New Jersey and New York which do not require voter ID. Pennsylvania, also for the most part, does not.

The best targets were registered voters who routinely skip presidential or municipal elections — information which is publicly available.


Key word: invalidated. In other words, the system worked....

But the certified results released Wednesday revealed that only 318,995 mail-in ballots were counted.

That means 84,108 ballots were not counted or invalidated — 21 percent of the total.



Apr 24, 2020
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Eastern Washington
2019 GT350
Key word: invalidated. In other words, the system worked....

But the certified results released Wednesday revealed that only 318,995 mail-in ballots were counted.

That means 84,108 ballots were not counted or invalidated — 21 percent of the total.

Still happened..............................just like Democrats founding the KKK.........................still happened. Joe Biden drafting a crime bill that targeted blacks......................still happened.

Democrats fighting America to keep slaves..........................still happened. Democrats running on a racist, whites only America platform in 1868.....still happened.

Democrats submitting 84,108 fraudulent ballots......................still happened. Bill Clinton is a rapist..................still happened even if you don't admit it.

Just require voters to produce ID, why is that so hard for communists? You do it in other commie countries.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2015
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DC/MD/VA metro
Vert turbo!!!!
Still happened..............................just like Democrats founding the KKK.........................still happened. Joe Biden drafting a crime bill that targeted blacks......................still happened.

Democrats fighting America to keep slaves..........................still happened. Democrats running on a racist, whites only America platform in 1868.....still happened.

Democrats submitting 84,108 fraudulent ballots......................still happened. Bill Clinton is a rapist..................still happened even if you don't admit it.

Just require voters to produce ID, why is that so hard for communists? You do it in other commie countries.
If you don't know history then you don't know the parties switched.

Honestly, if you are that dumb, I don't have much to discuss with you.

Go reply to someone within your IQ.


Apr 24, 2020
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Eastern Washington
2019 GT350
If you don't know history then you don't know the parties switched.

Honestly, if you are that dumb, I don't have much to discuss with you.

Go reply to someone within your IQ.

If tomorrow the NAZI party supported Black Lives Matter, then they would be acceptable to you, correct? As long as they change their beliefs we can still call them NAZI's and they can still fly their NAZI banners and flags, just like Democrats.

Nobody switched, trust me you are still a racist. You are still intolerant. You are hateful, spiteful and nasty. You are still a complete moron.

After the Civil War, Robert E. Lee went back to serving America, if your idiotic theory holds true, there is no reason to remove his statues. He did such a good job saving a University, they added his name to it. Therefore, Robert E. Lee should be a acceptable to you. So should Nathan Bedford Forrest, he denounced the KKK later in life and worked to integrate the south before he died, no reason to remove his name from anything, if your theory is true. They should be celebrated by the DNC.

The one true mystery in all this is why a retard like you thinks he has an IQ over 70? A participation trophy does not mean you won, and a "diploma" for attending 50% of your high school classes does not mean you are smart, stop listening to your mommy. Whip out some more of that "D" average intelligence bro, I can take it.


Nov 30, 2018
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Odenton, MD
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If you don't know history then you don't know the parties switched.

Honestly, if you are that dumb, I don't have much to discuss with you.

Go reply to someone within your IQ.
I laughed out loud. No amount of you reading and explaining the article to him will change his mind.

Here are more problems with the delusional fantasy of that article. Photocopying ballots doesn't work when ballots use special paper, watermarks or other security measures, especially if they're different combinations each election. Insiders throwing away ballots doesn't work when voter can tract the status of their ballot, see if its been received, and files a complain if its not. The more people involved in a conspiracy, i.e. insiders in the post office, the harder it is to keep quite.

And best yet, anonymous sources for we, not for thee. Outright lies unless its pro-con, then its gospel. ROFL



"The Post has been criticized since the beginning of Murdoch's ownership for sensationalism, blatant advocacy, and conservative bias. In 1980, the Columbia Journalism Review stated "New York Post is no longer merely a journalistic problem. It is a social problem – a force for evil."[52]

The Post has been accused of contorting its news coverage to suit Murdoch's business needs, in particular avoiding subjects which could be unflattering to the government of the People's Republic of China, where Murdoch has invested heavily in satellite television.[53]"

Lastly, he can't even comprehend the Southern Strategy, or the idea of southern democrats aka Dixiecrats, a group of people from 50+ years ago, had an association with the KKK, but they literally came out in support of Donald Trump and the GOP. This is literally like saying that Alabama is currently an apartheid state, just because Jim Crow was around 50+ years ago there.

Republicans: 'Democrats were teh slave owners, they started the KKK!'
Democrats: 'Ok, lets take down the confederate statues and quit waving the confederate flag, its a symbol of slavery, racism, hate and the KKK'.
Republicans: 'Leave our history and heritage alone! REEEE!'

Republicans love to pretend the Goldwater flip in the 60s never happened.



Apr 24, 2020
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Eastern Washington
2019 GT350
I laughed out loud.
Most idiots laugh out loud when confronted with their idiocy, no real surprise here.

Like everyone else, I too am forced to work with leftist idiots, every time someone disagrees with them the leftists always devolve into calling people "racists" or some such crap, even if they disagree about the best fish for dinner. News is only news if it comes from a communist party website or paper. Facts are only facts if spewed by an uninformed leftist talking head.

One of the work leftists melted down when the discussion was over the incredibly large number of birds killed by wind turbines. (sometimes as high as two large birds per hour, per turbine) We had a massive decade long study by several PHd's plotting the problem and identifying the birds most likely to die, etc. etc. etc. He was convinced was false because wind turbines are good for the environment,blah, blah, blah. One day, weeks later of course, he see's the same exact information in a communist magazine and brought it into work as if it he had an epiphany. Since Mother Jones said it was real...............................therefore he was now able to partially believe the science.

Now this is utterly unrelated to voting, but in a few minutes you are going to something totally stupid like house cats kill far more birds because that is what leftist dipshits have been instructed to compare it too. It will be impossible to make you understand the difference between killing large birds, like Golden Eagles, Hawks, California Condors, Bald Eagles and Trumpeter Swans and killing sparrows. So to the uninformed leftist idiot( who is laughing out loud like a moron) when a wind turbine kills a dozen Bald Eagles and there are only 9,300 nesting pairs in the lower 48, it is the EXACT same thing as a cat killing one of 10,000,000 sparrows in the lower 48.

Trust me you are a chicken nugget with eyes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
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Wiltshire UK & Charente FR
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
"Confessions of a Democrat voting fraudster"

"Phony Ballots

The ballot has no specific security features — like a stamp or a watermark — so the insider said he would just make his own ballots.

“I just put [the ballot] through the copy machine and it comes out the same way,” the insider said.

But the return envelopes are “more secure than the ballot. You could never recreate the envelope,” he said. So they had to be collected from real voters."


He would have his operatives fan out, going house-to-house, convincing voters to let them mail completed ballots on their behalf as a public service. The fraudster and his minions would then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them over boiling water.

“You have to steam it to loosen the glue,” said the insider.

He then would remove the real ballot, place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate, and reseal the envelope.

“Five minutes per ballot tops,” said the insider.

You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.” In some cases, mail carriers were members of his “work crew,” and would sift ballots from the mail and hand them over to the operative.

Voter Impersonation

When all else failed, the insider would send operatives to vote live in polling stations, particularly in states like New Jersey and New York which do not require voter ID. Pennsylvania, also for the most part, does not.

The best targets were registered voters who routinely skip presidential or municipal elections — information which is publicly available.

Just drivel

For balance:

"Confessions of a Republican voting fraudster"

"Phony Ballots

The ballot has no specific security features — like a stamp or a watermark — so the insider said he would just make his own ballots.

“I just put [the ballot] through the copy machine and it comes out the same way,” the insider said.

But the return envelopes are “more secure than the ballot. You could never recreate the envelope,” he said. So they had to be collected from real voters."


He would have his operatives fan out, going house-to-house, convincing voters to let them mail completed ballots on their behalf as a public service. The fraudster and his minions would then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them over boiling water.

“You have to steam it to loosen the glue,” said the insider.

He then would remove the real ballot, place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate, and reseal the envelope.

“Five minutes per ballot tops,” said the insider.

You have a postman who is a rabid anti-Trump guy and he’s working in Bedminster or some Republican stronghold … He can take those [filled-out] ballots, and knowing 95% are going to a Republican, he can just throw those in the garbage.” In some cases, mail carriers were members of his “work crew,” and would sift ballots from the mail and hand them over to the operative.

Voter Impersonation

When all else failed, the insider would send operatives to vote live in polling stations, particularly in states like New Jersey and New York which do not require voter ID. Pennsylvania, also for the most part, does not.

The best targets were registered voters who routinely skip presidential or municipal elections — information which is publicly available.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
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Wiltshire UK & Charente FR
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
One of the work leftists melted down when the discussion was over the incredibly large number of birds killed by wind turbines. (sometimes as high as two large birds per hour, per turbine) s.
On this (off topic) subject you are completely wrong as usual. My house in France is near 15, 2MW wind turbines. I cycle past them regularly and I have NEVER seen a dead bird underneath - not once. Never mind the pile caused by 2 birds per hour. If you didn't clear them up there would be close on a 1000 dead birds per month under each and every turbine in France, 8 million birds per month in total. Where are the pixie dead bird collectors putting them all??

Seriously, think about some of the rubbish you spout and just give it a little bit of thought before you post.

If you don't like working with 'leftist idiots' (which seems to be everybody but you) get another job, ideally working on your own a long way away from everybody else !


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2016
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Most idiots laugh out loud when confronted with their idiocy, no real surprise here.

Like everyone else, I too am forced to work with leftist idiots, every time someone disagrees with them the leftists always devolve into calling people "racists" or some such crap, even if they disagree about the best fish for dinner. News is only news if it comes from a communist party website or paper. Facts are only facts if spewed by an uninformed leftist talking head.

One of the work leftists melted down when the discussion was over the incredibly large number of birds killed by wind turbines. (sometimes as high as two large birds per hour, per turbine) We had a massive decade long study by several PHd's plotting the problem and identifying the birds most likely to die, etc. etc. etc. He was convinced was false because wind turbines are good for the environment,blah, blah, blah. One day, weeks later of course, he see's the same exact information in a communist magazine and brought it into work as if it he had an epiphany. Since Mother Jones said it was real...............................therefore he was now able to partially believe the science.

Now this is utterly unrelated to voting, but in a few minutes you are going to something totally stupid like house cats kill far more birds because that is what leftist dipshits have been instructed to compare it too. It will be impossible to make you understand the difference between killing large birds, like Golden Eagles, Hawks, California Condors, Bald Eagles and Trumpeter Swans and killing sparrows. So to the uninformed leftist idiot( who is laughing out loud like a moron) when a wind turbine kills a dozen Bald Eagles and there are only 9,300 nesting pairs in the lower 48, it is the EXACT same thing as a cat killing one of 10,000,000 sparrows in the lower 48.

Trust me you are a chicken nugget with eyes.
Maybe they should do a study to work out how long it will take to render these birds extinct at 2 per turbine per hour?
Apparently there’s something in the order of 54,000 turbines in the US. If we assume that half of the days are windy enough to produce rotor speeds capable of killing a bird....
54,000 x (24 x 365) / 2 = 236,520,000 bird killing rotor hours per year. The stench of the rotting corpses must be utterly overwhelming.


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2016
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2016 Mustang GT
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On this (off topic) subject you are completely wrong as usual. My house in France is near 15, 2MW wind turbines. I cycle past them regularly and I have NEVER seen a dead bird underneath - not once. Never mind the pile caused by 2 birds per hour. If you didn't clear them up there would be close on a 1000 dead birds per month under each and every turbine in France, 8 million birds per month in total. Where are the pixie dead bird collectors putting them all??

Seriously, think about some of the rubbish you spout and just give it a little bit of thought before you post.

If you don't like working with 'leftist idiots' (which seems to be everybody but you) get another job, ideally working on your own a long way away from everybody else !
Meh...you beat me to it! :clap::like::beer:



Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2018
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Wiltshire UK & Charente FR
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Mustang V8 GT, Ford Kuga PHEV
Meh...you beat me to it! :clap::like::beer:

And it seems another deluded tyrant thinks the same thing


Especially concerned about the worms being shaken out of the ground !

What to Trump and Putin have in common - large quantities of fossil fuels they want to burn and sell !

Seriously how gullible can some people be that they get taken in by this bullshit


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2016
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2016 Mustang GT
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And it seems another deluded tyrant thinks the same thing


Especially concerned about the worms being shaken out of the ground !

What to Trump and Putin have in common - large quantities of fossil fuels they want to burn and sell !

Seriously how gullible can some people be that they get taken in by this bullshit

And it seems another deluded tyrant thinks the same thing


Especially concerned about the worms being shaken out of the ground !

What to Trump and Putin have in common - large quantities of fossil fuels they want to burn and sell !

Seriously how gullible can some people be that they get taken in by this bullshit

And it seems another deluded tyrant thinks the same thing


Especially concerned about the worms being shaken out of the ground !

What to Trump and Putin have in common - large quantities of fossil fuels they want to burn and sell !

Seriously how gullible can some people be that they get taken in by this bullshit
It’s bizarre that people cite environmental reasons for their objection to wind farms, as if the burning of fossil fuels isn’t acidifying the oceans (as one example).
It’s almost as if they missed the memo where 99.9% of the species that have ever lived on this planet are now extinct or the part where humankind (and the vast majority of the species alive today) have never lived in an environment like the one we’re creating.


Apr 24, 2020
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Eastern Washington
2019 GT350

And it seems another deluded tyrant thinks the same thing


Especially concerned about the worms being shaken out of the ground !

What to Trump and Putin have in common - large quantities of fossil fuels they want to burn and sell !

Seriously how gullible can some people be that they get taken in by this bullshit

Yeah, that must be it, Trump is tricking you into using fossil fuels, damn him. Is their anything that man can't do?

Stupid Germans said this, " Studies have found that wind turbines are a dangerous threat to bats, high-conservation value birds, and insect populations that are a major supply of food to bats and birds. Insects, birds, bats, and wind farm developers are attracted to the same thing—high wind speeds. Wind farms in Europe and the United States are being built in the path of migration trails that have been used by insects and birds for millions of years. Researchers found that wind turbines in Germany resulted in a loss of about 1.2 trillion insects of different species each year. Researchers in India found almost four times fewer buzzards, hawks, and kites in areas with wind farms—a loss of about 75 percent. They found that wind turbines are akin to adding a top predator to the ecosystem, killing off birds, but allowing small animals to increase their populations resulting in a trickle effect throughout the ecosystem."

This has gotta be fake, right????? Wind turbines are actually slaughtering millions of birds and bats annually




They gotta be making this up, right, because you went to France once and never saw a dead bird from you car, driving by a wind farm 3 kilometers away when you glanced that direction. Thank god you did the research.

Now, whip out that cat story, about how they kill more large important species of birds so it is the same.


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2016
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2016 Mustang GT
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Yeah, that must be it, Trump is tricking you into using fossil fuels, damn him. Is their anything that man can't do?

Stupid Germans said this, " Studies have found that wind turbines are a dangerous threat to bats, high-conservation value birds, and insect populations that are a major supply of food to bats and birds. Insects, birds, bats, and wind farm developers are attracted to the same thing—high wind speeds. Wind farms in Europe and the United States are being built in the path of migration trails that have been used by insects and birds for millions of years. Researchers found that wind turbines in Germany resulted in a loss of about 1.2 trillion insects of different species each year. Researchers in India found almost four times fewer buzzards, hawks, and kites in areas with wind farms—a loss of about 75 percent. They found that wind turbines are akin to adding a top predator to the ecosystem, killing off birds, but allowing small animals to increase their populations resulting in a trickle effect throughout the ecosystem."

This has gotta be fake, right????? Wind turbines are actually slaughtering millions of birds and bats annually




They gotta be making this up, right, because you went to France once and never saw a dead bird from you car, driving by a wind farm 3 kilometers away when you glanced that direction. Thank god you did the research.

Now, whip out that cat story, about how they kill more large important species of birds so it is the same.
Oh please do tell us more about your concerns for the environment and wildlife...

“In other words, for every one bird killed by a wind turbine, nuclear and fossil fuel powered plants killed 2,118 birds.“

Ever considered the distinct possibility that some of these “concerned parties” are actually nothing more than fossil fuel industry props? Yeah, I didn’t think so.


Apr 24, 2020
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Eastern Washington
2019 GT350
So was it Trump's fault when that giant meteor struck the earth and killed the dinosaurs? 99.9% of everything is dead or extinct and people have only been here for 2,000,000 of the 4 BILLION years this planet existed.

The real mystery is why you idiots think people were responsible for the events of the previous 3,998,000,000 years of the planets existence?

Here is where you stupidity goes right off the rails. I never said, I objected to wind turbines. You imagined that because to a hate mongering, intolerant, demented leftist any questioning of your lords or masters cannot be tolerated. Any fact that disagrees with whatever your master told you to believe provokes rage with not even a tiny bit of curiosity to see if it is true.

I said, wind turbines kill lots of birds, bats and flying insects which is an actual fact. The effects of wind turbines on soil, temperatures, biomass and weather patterns are poorly understood. In about 30 years you will find out the truth about the bad things wind turbines do. Because you are an idiot, you do not understand that the changes in airflow and wind patterns created by wind turbines will eventually effect everything around them. Everything, effects something.

To guarantee say, 4,000 megawatts of available wind power, you need to build a 25,000 megawatt wind farm. Why? because when the wind speed decreases by 50%, the power output drops by 87.5%. Damn that science. And if you want to build a nice big wind farm, you have to build a nice big gas turbine plant to provide the power when the wind does not blow. Humorously, the wind does not blow when it is hottest or coldest during the year.

Eventually millions of acres will be consumed by wind farms and they will be altered in some way. Thousands of miles of roads built to reach the turbines, thousands of miles of high voltage cables laid or hung, thousands of transformers installed to step up or down the electricity, switch-gear installed as the grid is expanded to incorporate this stuff. "Green" is relative. Where do you think all this equipment comes from? Recycled plastic and cardboard from old Amazon boxes? Are you honestly that stupid? Note: that 25,000 mw wind far requires 160,000 acres of land or 250 square miles.

Who exactly do you think owns wind power? Are you a complete fool? The same people who create and distribute energy from every other power source will create energy from wind turbines and laugh all the way to the bank, GE makes wind turbines, gas turbines, jet engines, hydroelectric turbines, steam turbines and attaches it's electrical generators for all of the available power sources too. REI won't make a dime from wind power, sorry. If it costs 300% more to build out wind energy, your electric bill will increase 300%. Once government subsidies dry up you will pay the freight. I'm not a fan of coal, things come and go, like wood fired boilers or kerosene lamps. I cannot figure out why you think you are ending an industry. You still need plastics and crappy synthetic clothes from North Face, Exxon will sell you those. Composites instead of metal? Sure where do those raw materials come from?

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