
2015 mustang ecoboost 0-60

  1. My first Mustang!!!! Need Help!

    I picked up my first new 2015 Mustang Ecoboost manual transmission! I must say I am now a huge fan and its a lot of fun to drive. I know it isnt a 5.0 but I had a budget and the specs i had for this car was at my max for my budget so I wasnt able to go to 5.0 lol That being said here are the...
  2. Real World 0-60 Results - SHARE!!

    Share your best real world 0-60 results in this format: Car (EB/V6/GT/GT w/ PP): Transmission (Auto/MT): Launch Control (Yes/No - If yes, specify what RPM's): Stock Car? (Yes/No - If no, specify mods) 0-60 Results: I'll start: Car: 2015 GT Transmission: MT Launch Control: Yes, 3200...
