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  1. Having trouble with white streaks after wash on Shadow Black

  2. Having trouble with white streaks after wash on Shadow Black

    I have a whole house water filter, bought it specifically to help wash the car, I'd hope it'd be good enough as it wasn't cheap. I only drive the Mustang once every other week, so it's not getting real dirty either.
  3. Having trouble with white streaks after wash on Shadow Black

    Sorry I mispoke, it's this specifically. https://www.chemicalguys.com/after-wash-drying-agent/CWS_801_16.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjw4PKTBhD8ARIsAHChzRJNe87A9xBorrVS_NkAakHtwJfPaGVtIhj1WL7KgGGrpBH8LspO6WwaAgRrEALw_wcB
  4. Having trouble with white streaks after wash on Shadow Black

    Hi, I've had my car for 2 years now in Oklahoma, and consistently battle these white streaks. I had a ceramic coat done ( I think it was cquartz) on the car when I first got it, and installed a water softener to help with the terribly hard water we have here. I use Meguiars gold class in a...
