
Search results

  1. Dont bother with the all weather mats + ding avoiding parking techniques that work

    No rear mats is freAking me out (I have the occasional ankle-biter to take to school), I ordered the weathertech all weather mats and trunk liner today.
  2. Dont bother with the all weather mats + ding avoiding parking techniques that work

    I like a lot of the parking ideas, I have a similar list, which I developed over 14 Porsches that I owned (and sold) over the years. Here are a couple more. 1. If you have to park next to other cars, it is better that they are 4 door. 4 door cars have shorter doors and are less likely to hit...
  3. Storage compartment in doors

    I just got my 2015 yesterday, and did not realize there was door storage until I saw this post. Now that I know it is there, I will keep my hopes, dreams, and ambitions in this space (jeez, sure hope I never have a side impact collision!)
