Its so easy and flawless, somehow does not shock the drivetrain either. Try it, its nice to play around with. Like everyone said make sure full throttle and be past 6k rpms just to be safe so it engages.
I don't think with cars with the no lift shift you can even bounce on the rev limiter...
Getting 260 miles to the tank with full Aero on daily 6 speed Mach 1 (Sport +). You must be driving it aggressively, I am sure I hit single digits for mpgs when I drive her hard. Plus it all depends, I drive highway mostly with not too much traffic. In Traffic these V8s chug the fuel.
I changed mine at 3K miles for first oil change then every 6K miles. In your case I wouldn't run oil that is over a year old since oil gets contaminated when sitting over time. Just change the oil at least once a year no matter the mileage. I mean the Manual mentions it, follow the manual.
That example is bad, straight pipe don't sound that good usually. I am sure with some mufflers and resonator might sound good or decent. Its hard to make V8s sound bad.
Yeah my S197 I removed the foam in the sound tube to hear the intake more and there was a nice fuel smell once in a while when I floored it. But nothing like exhaust leak for sure.
Its not about respect though he is correcting bad advice. CO building up from exhaust in cabin is no joke. If you have a leak into the cabin then you use recirculate no fresh air is comes in and you keep circulating that CO in the cabin. Best thing to do is to keep windows down and recirculate...
Mine was leaking since brand new. Dealership told me it was overfilled (which it was not!) so they removed some coolant. :facepalm: I told them, yeah that's not gonna fix it its the hose. They said bring it back and we will replace. I didn't want those morons touching my car so I bought...
Well the Shelby has more hp so should be faster.
Either way they all consider "slow" with how fast electric Toasters are now days unless you have a GT500. Lets not even bring that up. These are drivers cars. Sure you can make them fast easily but that's not what these are about.
Yeah I could care less about those. GT is great but the Mach 1 is such a great package and it gets the comfort/performance done just right for a street car.
We don't have rear parking sensors we only have the cross traffic alert. I am cool with it, back in the day we just used our mirrors...
Within a week of purchase I popped the PS4S with factory alignment. 0 issues, equally worn with 30K miles and I still have decent thread left. Also have 0 complains on ride quality, it rides perfect imo not too stiff and not too soft.
As its been mentioned, Cup2s suck for the street for sure.
Yeah that is clutch chatter. My 2014 had this since maybe 30K miles? I got it all the way to 130K miles no issues, it would do it mostly on a hot day when feathering at an incline. I wouldnt worry about it unless its major chatter. Heck my Mach 1 very rarely does it and I have 30K miles right now.
I just use the Ford Pass app. But yes you can. Also if it blows they still need to prove it was your lack of maintenance that caused it, that is usually easy to prove. Either way this is directly from From Ford extended warranty below.
I would not worry about it, its slightly overfilled.
Let me tell you a story. This is not uncommon, back in the day when I worked at Ford in the heavy line department. The "Master" tech would fill the Ford Focus to 5 qts when it called for 4.2 (If I remember correctly). He said a little over...