
Search results

  1. If only 1/2" or 3/8" angle torque wrench, which is most useful for automotive work?

    GRM test of torque wrenches showed they're all about same accuracy, even the cheapest Harbor Freight (Quinn is the better Harbor Freight). Even if the ratchet fails (no one should be using torque wrench as a ratchet), just buy a new one for $20. Remember to set them back to zero for storage...
  2. Can you use alignment plates to accurately set toe and camber?

    They're somewhat accurate - two metal plates with two measuring tapes - they'll you toe relationship between the two wheels but that's it. They're good for verifying alignment but if you want something truly useful you need strings - but remember that doing it at home requires (unless you can...
  3. How do I go about getting the steeda camber plate w/ progressive springs having magneride (2022 Pp1)

    It's fine - whatever your goals are. It's not particularly track oriented though - very moderate front camber from what I remember.
  4. How do I go about getting the steeda camber plate w/ progressive springs having magneride (2022 Pp1)

    You definitely should not leave things as is after installing the springs and the plates - camber will land at some random place and toe on McStrut changes with camber. Tires/wheels have nothing to do with alignment (other than ride height) so no reason to wait. Find the shop that asks what...
  5. Bullitt with Magneride widest front tire fitment on stock wheels with no spacer

    It should - easily, at worst you can use 3mm or 5mm slip on spacer without changing studs. I did fit 285 RE-71R on the front 9 inch wheel but my tire person told me to not ask them to do it again. RS is even worse to mount, so I would personally not attempt it.
  6. oppinion please

    No. It's basically irrelevant, especially if police doesn't care. There is no criminal case here where this would matter and there is no "justice" here to be found because someone misrepresented what he was doing.
  7. Summer tires and winter storage

  8. Wheels Specs/Recs for More Grip on Track?

    So you started this thread saying you want more grip and now you're basically saying you don't - because that's what understeering car is going to have - lack of front grip (which is what you experienced with your friend). You can set up car with all the understeer you want and it will still...
  9. Wheels Specs/Recs for More Grip on Track?

    I'd say 99% of what you see on videos is throttle oversteer. Has little to do with actual car handling and everything to do with this being RWD (and mostly with the driver).
  10. Wheels Specs/Recs for More Grip on Track?

    What tires do you have ? It's a bizzarre request - because if you're looking for grip, tire is what really matters. You will spend money on a wider wheels and if you don't change the tire, it will do absolutely nothing to your grip. Buy a square set of 19x11" wheels (Apex or SVE if you want...
  11. How do you stop mechanics from joyriding when your cars at the shop

    Don't take it to the shop and do maintenance yourself ? Only way to make sure they don't do that.
  12. Another Sway Bar compilation, reconciling the data

    I second what Nightmaremoon said. Everyone needs to quit thinking in terms that stiffer bar is an "upgrade". It's a tuning tool. Sometimes you may want a softer bar - depending on your spring stiffness and Steeda offers one as Oakley pointed out.. Also what feels like "nice upgrade" on a...
  13. Can you run a 315??

    It will fit - but good luck mounting 315 on a 10" wheel (+ comment above about the size availability in 17" diameter).
  14. Performance Pack 6-piston brakes question

    The deflectors is anything you really need but - did you make sure your wheels will fit over the calipers ?
  15. Steeda MagneRide Handling pack - questions

    This package has nothing to do with Steeda - they just re-sell it. I've had it - it's a good, complete package - but it all depends on what your goal is. Normal mode with this package is in my opinion still very tolerable for daily driving (but my tolerance level is very high as I am right now...
  16. PP2 square setup

    PP2 has the exact same geometry as any other GT PP. For square setup you need 25mm spacer and longer studs in front - but this has been a lot of times and works. It's the tire that can potentially rub against the strut - for 315s you may need 28mm-ish spacer depending on front camber.
  17. Issues with vehicle being at body shop for 2+months

    You already have 150k miles on it (when manual calls for trans fluid change) ? I get a lot of people here change fluid just to change them (I changed my diff fluid since I drive the car pretty hard, it looked like it was straight out of the bottle) but on automatic transmissions there really...
  18. Issues with vehicle being at body shop for 2+months

    In fact OPs car probably sat on dealer's lot for longer than 3 months before he bought it. If not his, many many members' here did.
  19. Issues with vehicle being at body shop for 2+months

    I am not sure what issues are you expecting and why would you be touching transmission fluid on an Explorer ? It likely will be fine, especially if it is only 3 months. Person neighboring my wife's camper parking spot (open air but under the roof) parks their Cayenne Turbo for months there. He...
