
Search results

  1. Leaking Engine Mount

    Hi all, Just wondered if anyone had experienced a leaking engine mount? It was highlighted in my service (screenshots below from service video) with a cursory "recommend replacement of that" comment. I can guess it's a big job that a numpty like me isn't going to be able to do, but is it...
  2. Free Diamondbrite coating worth it?

    I had a pretty dissatisfactory experience at my last dealer service and to "put things right" (let's face it, to get a decent post-service survey score) was offered a free valet and "covering the cost of anything else over and above of the service at your next visit" (I'm betting they don't mean...
  3. Remote Control Mach1 in Argos

    Reduced from £12 to £8... https://www.argos.co.uk/product/9583724
