
Search results

  1. Bird and Varmint Control

    This thread will highlight bird and varmint mitigation strategies. If you're attempting to deal with the issue, as part of the process, review your local ordinances. Also, study the subjects of native, invasive and keystone species. Another Member recently posted their experience encountering...
  2. Consider Stress-Testing Your Finances

    https://www.axios.com/2024/02/05/sp500-magnificent-seven-stock-market https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/19/magnificent-7-profits-now-exceed-almost-every-country-in-the-world-should-we-be-worried.html https://russellinvestments.com/us/blog/market-concentration-magnificent-seven While I've been...
  3. S550 Electronic Modules and Their Networks -- A Primer

    I've been reading up on the main electronic modules and internal networks of the S550. :computerrage: Attached are my notes. If you don't know a LIN :crazy: from a MRCM :question:, they might help. :like: ----------------------Revision History---------------------------- 29 December 2024...
  4. Security -- Returning Sync to Factory Default

    Reading the CNBC article this morning, I thought I'd supply the following as something of a reminder. I think most of us wipe/delete/sanitize information on electronics before returning or recycling. This will be the first vehicle where I need to consider performing these actions, when...
  5. Swimsuit Color and How Seen In Water

    I hope everyone has a great Summer :sun: in whatever they do. I'd never considered how a suit might show in a pool or moving water. The following gives some insight: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20230615-how-the-colour-of-your-swimsuit-can-save-your-life We were around water of all...
  6. The Price Of Housing

    https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/10/us-housing-market-prices-increasing The Guardian runs in-depth stories often; this one highlights the cost and availability of housing. Data and graphics allow one to see the cost of housing in many areas across the country.
  7. EPA -- Possible Announcement Wednesday Regarding Tailpipe Emissions, EVs and New Car Sales

    The following is being referenced by several news outlets. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/04/08/epa-reportedly-planning-to-announce-significant-limits-on-tailpipe-emissions.html "The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to announce significant limits on tailpipe emissions this week that...
  8. All Sales Final? Maybe Not. Yo-Yo Deals.

    https://www.npr.org/2023/02/04/1152932192/yo-yo-car-sales?ft=nprml&f= https://www.lendingtree.com/auto/can-you-back-out-after-signing/ https://www.nclc.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/letter-to-colorado-mvdb-jan2019.pdf https://sbg.colorado.gov/sites/sbg/files/DR 2434_e_2.pdf I wasn't...
  9. Colorado Premium Comparison Reports

    https://doi.colorado.gov/for-consumers/consumer-resources/premium-comparison-reports-auto/homeowners-insurance This seemed to be a handy tool. I appreciated the ability to do some initial scrubs of CO insurance companies, to give me an idea of who writes policies in the state, as well as...
  10. Colorado Sold: Sound Tube Delete Kit, FREE

    Sound tube delete kit, ordered by mistake. Want to pass along to another member, so they can enjoy. This is the rare HEP edition kit, guaranteed* to increase HP while raising the value of your car. First person to respond gets it, free; plan to ship out, possibly as soon as this week. *not a...
  11. Colorado Sold: Pilot Sport Cup 2s, 2x305/30/19, 2x315/30/19, 18 Miles From New, $1000

    Set of four Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 tires, removed from 2022 Mach 1. 2 X 305/30/19 2 X 315/30/19 Received the car new, with 8 miles. Drove 10 miles home and removed. $1000 + any associated shipping costs.
