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  1. Ongoing maintenance costs

    Again off topic, uninformed opinions on EVs now with added politics. Leave your US politics out of a UK thread on Mustang maintenance
  2. Ongoing maintenance costs

    If you paid £40k in 2019 then an equivalent now would be £55k with better spec. Mine was £48k with options included which were quite a bit then and match my spec now. Extra £10k for the DH - well there are quite a few changes under the skin to do with track use. I suspect most people don't need...
  3. Ongoing maintenance costs

    Pointless thread drift. If you want to rant about your dislike of EVs start a different thread. This is a UK thread on maintenance costs!
  4. Ongoing maintenance costs

    OEM steering wheel is real leather even on the S650 No chance of £40k I'm afraid. Mustang has nearly £3k of VED year one and they have to be shipped over here and there is a 10% tariff. RHD will add some costs as smaller numbers made plus features unique to the EU. There is nothing remotely...
  5. Ongoing maintenance costs

    They have, but at the same time there are plenty of very high mileage vehicles about which suggests, common failure points aside, that those extended intervals are fine in most cases. Those really high mileage intervals (but usually 2 years is the other limit) are usually combined with some...
  6. Ongoing maintenance costs

    A lot of oil is wasted by people who don't need to change their oil. Ironically is usually the person who is going to keep their car for ever but then hardly ever drives it and does 15k miles in 10 years. Then the daily driver that gets oil changes every year or 10k miles just keeps on racking...
  7. Ongoing maintenance costs

    No need to change oil that frequently for normal road use. 10k / 1 year is fine.
  8. Ongoing maintenance costs

    My old S550 had just over 30k miles on it and was used as a daily for the last 3 years. No warranty work in 6 years just routine servicing and mechanically completely stock. I lost £15.5k over 6 years which I was completely happy with. New one is a bargain at £60k when you compare to the...
  9. 5/5?.... Meh!

    Ahh the luddite speaks! EVs aren't going to 'flop' - too far gone now. 20% of ALL cars sold in the world last year were EVs - that's 17 million cars. That is why car makers are developing and selling EVs. Timescales will vary by country from Norway at one extreme where pretty much every new car...
  10. 5/5?.... Meh!

    Nothing 'woke' about that. They are business decisions. Ford explained very clearly why they stopped making the Fiesta, they made no profit on it! Puma selling well (top selling in the UK) new electric version will help. Ford are a global company selling in a global market, Europe is a small...
  11. Ongoing maintenance costs

    They are generally cheap to keep considering what they are but a 2017 car is 8 years old now so things will start to creep in with time. An 8 year old Maserati or Ferrari would make you weep in repairs!
  12. Ongoing maintenance costs

    Maybe true but after 30k miles mine were still as good as new so they last a LONG time!
  13. 5/5?.... Meh!

    Bizarre. What is 'woke' about Ford?
  14. 5/5?.... Meh!

    This applies to all car marques. The ZEV mandate is seeing to that. However the direction of travel is clear globally and Ford is a global car maker.
  15. What did you do to your UK S550 Mustang Today

    I always hand wash in cold water with non-bio. Soak for a bit if really dirty and rinse well afterwards. Cloths have lasted for years
  16. What did you do to your UK S550 Mustang Today

    Try this stuff. Just dry the car then spray on a small amount of this and polish off. No water marks and a fabulous finish. Bullet Carnauba Wax Spray-500ml Kit Includes 2 FREE Microfibre Cloths : Amazon.co.uk: Automotive
  17. FORD MUSTANG FASTBCK V8 Manual - Battery Questions

    I have used Accumate chargers before with years of use. One thing you can do (and I did for my S550) is to attach a trickle charger lead with a weatherproof plug that pokes out from under the battery cover at the scuttle end so is available near the wipers so that you can plug it in without...
  18. What did you do to your UK S550 Mustang Today

    Indeed but entropy is still a real thing! Things get old a fail
  19. What did you do to your UK S550 Mustang Today

    The foam is only a seal. The 4 bolts hold it in place tightening down onto the foam gasket
  20. What did you do to your UK S550 Mustang Today

    I don't think so. They are exposed to extreme heat and cold where they are so like all plastic things will degrade over time. They are not really designed to be removed and put back too often. Some of these cars are 10 years old now.
