
Search results

  1. Fore Fuel System…Has Me Beyond Disgusted. Diag Help

    Good Evening Gentlemen, Short Version: New 295 Pumps, Only 37 psi; What should line pressure be out of the hat? Can I bypass the FC3 to see if it’s bad? Any other tips? Long Version: Installed the System 1 Year ago, had Twin 267’s. 3 months later the 267’s died. Got new 285’s. Had them in the...
  2. Maryland Sold: FS: Gen III Coyote Engine $2500 OBO

    Interested in selling Gen III 5.0 Block, Heads, and other components. Willing to Drive/Meet or Ship at Purchasers Expense. Great for someone to rebuild, or to have a backup engine to put together for a race setup.
  3. Does anyone meet up in the MD area anymore?

    Not talking about going to Hunt Valley Horsepower, Cars and Coffee, or Katie's in VA.... Just seems like the entire "scene" has died..
