Thank you! That's what I was getting at. At what point is it needed enough that risk vs reward makes sense. I take 5-6 hour drives to visit my son at up north in the summer all the time and burn through about 3qts of meth on an average trip so I'm in boost playing around quite a bit. No standing...
Totally get trying to keep everything cool but I'm struggling to see how coolant lines to the wastegates will keep anything cool? Other than maybe the diaphragm inside it? Seems like senseless extra lines to run so I'm just trying to wrap my head around it. Clearly turbosmart added them for a...
I'm just not seeing the need for cooling to the wastegates??? I beat on this F'er until it gets over 105° out here and never had an issue. What does cooling the wastegates accomplish? I get the extra water cooling to the turbo but I don't even do that out here. 104,xxx with oil cooling only...
Do the gen 5 compgates have coolant lines? I've got the gen4s and they do not. I've also got over 50k miles on them and 3 arizona summers so I'm guessing it's not that necessary.
Mine is a universal too but I bought the under, grill and interior combo so I mixed and matched the under and grill to make it work. The 4ft sides should work but you'll need to come about 4-5" from the skirt to mount them away from the jacking rails. They should mount at the front and rear and...
Zero chance is legit. We've pm'd before and I bought an unused dw400 off him. I cant speak to the quality of his work because I do all my own work but I'd do business with him again. Glad op is happy.
LPX-HD solved all my lock out issues. Clutch pedal is as light as stock and I can bang 8k shifts all day long with no lock out. Less notchy than my stock clutch was when it's cold out too.
I have this bracket and no issues with vibrations. It was my first mod 6 years ago. I tried the trans bushings insert and had to remove it because the whole car vibrated violently.
Hellion makes a sleeper emissions kit now but it's stupid expensive. AND my "non emissions" sleeper kit will pass in any state that isn't gay. Just saying....
Start with a compression test and go from there. I drove my car home with a hole in piston #3 a year ago and minus the smoke it felt fine as long as you didn't get on it.