
Search results

  1. Premature wear of tires/rotors

    Several years ago, with a Lexus, at the dealership for a routine 15,000 mile service, the service manager came out and told me I needed new tires. I took a look visually and said I'm not prepared to spend $1,200 at this point for new tires. When I got home I took out my old tire depth tread...
  2. Misfires normal Bullitt?.

    Maybe like my stomach, BAD GAS!!!
  3. I drove my first EV

    Never forget, "THEY ARE OUT TO GET YOU" Be Vigilant
  4. I drove my first EV

    Nuclear is coming back cleaner and safer. Don't forget Wind and solar.
  5. I drove my first EV

    Agree with all except oil and gas for next 100 years. It's true to the idea but it will gradually be reduced to a fraction of 100%.
  6. I drove my first EV

    Think of all those Americans who worked hard their whole life. Many, many saved and were able to afford what they hoped would be a fruitful retirement in Florida or even a picturesque inland town like Ashville. Y'all know what happened this summer don't ya? Was it just Mother Nature taking its...
  7. I drove my first EV

    Truer words have never been said. Everyone knows that climate change is a hoax. Also, I heard on my social media app that all these hurricanes, wildfires, and droughts were manufactured by the Deep State CIA and FBI. These entities all want to take away our right to own fast cars. They have no...
  8. I drove my first EV

    Before telling this story in full, I give the following wrapup: EVs are the future to eventually surpass ICE vehicles in terms of lower maintenance and economy. Downsides to be addressed include readily available fast chargers with a standard connector, lower prices, readily available and...
  9. Specific question for parking 2020 Bullitt outside for winter

    This is the most direct answer to the question. It says there are incursion points. At this point there are options: Take chance of problems leaving 2020 Bullitt covered on driveway for the Winter. Remove cover every few days and run engine for a while. Attaching cover is somewhat tedious as a...
  10. Specific question for parking 2020 Bullitt outside for winter

    I've looked at this and this not an option. Also looked at local storage. The 2 nearest are over 10 miles away. In addition they want a one year lease at $300/month at one shabby place and $500/month at a pristine facility that stores cars like Porsche, Ferrari etc.
  11. Specific question for parking 2020 Bullitt outside for winter

    Thank you. Please let me know the year and model Mustang and part of country?
  12. Specific question for parking 2020 Bullitt outside for winter

    As to my question, was the one incursion with a recent vintage Mustang. I would hope you'd never have to imagine why my beloved car needs to go outside. My other beloved the past 42 years just developed a Drop Foot. Walking without falling is highly problematic. She needs to hold on to a cane...
  13. Specific question for parking 2020 Bullitt outside for winter

    I'm planning to park my 2020 Mustang Bullitt (essentially a GT body wise) covered with a Ford OEM outdoor cover on my driveway. I've read many postings with suggestions for rodent proofing and climatizing. As the question is specific, a little background. I live in a wooded area with several...
  14. Almost quitting time...

    My first year, 2020, I covered the car with a OEM Ford cover. In addition had a trickle charger keep the battery topped. Finally, this was in my garage. Every winter since have used the car almost as often in the winter as in the other seasons. This because global warming and little...
  15. Idiot Tesla Drivers

    "the Tesla pulled along side, hung there and would gun it," How do you gun an electric engine?
  16. Changing Mode question

    Thanks for confirming.
  17. Changing Mode question

    I've noticed for quite a long time but have not addressed, when changing modes, for example from Normal to Sport, a second press shows Sport again. Same with Track and all other modes. Is this normal? I checked the manual but there is nothing referring to this issue.
  18. Parking outside

    Uje wrote: "you want comments about average cars outside" I wrote in post 9: "Really only looking for if ANYONE HAS EXPERIENCED RODENT INCURSIONS?" Where does it say average cars? After dealing with several posts not specific to 6th generation Mustangs, I plead Mea Culpa for not reiterating 6th...
  19. Parking outside

    Yes your points are well taken. Just looking for a general consensus of people who have parked outside and have had or not had problems.
