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  1. How many original owners are left?

    Custom ordered mine from the factory in 2016, still daily it.
  2. Quick Jack owners in here!!

    This is correct. I do have mine positioned the wrong way, but I'm careful to balance it properly so there is no shift at all. I lifted my friends Mini the same way and that one wanted to shift forward when pushed from behind, so I had to use a jack stand on the front to ensure stability. It...
  3. Quick Jack owners in here!!

    I got the 5000TL from Costco, it seems like the perfect size.
  4. Stripe Source

    Oof, that sucks to hear. I highly recommend Big Worm for anybody reading this thread. I installed mine myself 5 years ago on my daily driver and they're still good as new other than some rock chips on the front end.
  5. Paint Chipping along Rear Windshield

    The pen comes with a small brush, that's what I used. I also used a small crow bar to scrape the old paint out, it has a bit of an angle at the end that helped to get around the window edge. You will definitely need thin yet stiff tools for the cleaning and prepping in your case.
  6. Paint Chipping along Rear Windshield

    I fixed mine with a paint pen Here, but my primer was still good and had no rust. I feel like you should be able to clean that up and re-primer like you said. I know I would for that price.
  7. Angela III - Daily Driver Build Thread

    Smooth Airflow In the first year of my owning this car I took it in to the dealership for that free first oil change. They somehow snapped the elbow on the left side of the intake tube and denied that they had any part in it. This was the last straw for me and the last time I took my car to...
  8. Angela III - Daily Driver Build Thread

    Going straight Over the last few weeks I have been bit by bit messing with my alignment to try and get it as perfect as I can with hand tools and measurements. You can look here for how I measured toe and camber, the following is how I adjusted them. TL;DR- If you don't have enough patience...
  9. Help? What is this part on my car ? It’s not in any of the install videos ?

    Drilled and slotted rotors and shocks aren't stock.
  10. Help? What is this part on my car ? It’s not in any of the install videos ?

    Hmmm... you bought a 2015 probably a year after manufacture that had beige seats, which sounds like a custom order because a dealer is unlikely to order those for themselves. I don't think you were the first owner. I think the first owner bought it, put some parts on the car but never really...
  11. QuickJack Question and Decision help

    Yep, I remember seeing them on sale for $900 and deciding next time they went on sale I would buy them. Next time they were on sale they were $1300. Oof. Still worth it though.
  12. Help with Steeda IRS Braces

    Check the item page on the Steeda website, the instructions are on there.
  13. New Mexico Used OEM PP wheels with tires, $750 OBO

    Bump for my NM peeps
  14. Is it me or is this vendor scamming me?

    They scammed you, but it's perfectly legal. "Buyer beware" and all that. Any legit vender would understand that is an error on their part, but scammers will take your money and ignore you.
  15. Speedometer off by almost 5Kmph after tire and wheel swap

    The tuner can adjust for that, just be sure to let them know the rear tire size.
  16. Steeda or BMP & why??

    I mix and match depending on which is a better design. For example, I chose Steeda for the rear Subframe Braces because they nestle nicely under the fuel tanks, but BMR for the front brace because it doesn't stick below the undercarriage. They are both quality parts.
  17. Can anybody tell the difference in these Mishimoto Induction Hoses?

    https://www.lethalperformance.com/mishimoto-ford-mustang-gt-silicone-induction-hose-2015-2017-2015-2017-mustang-mmhose-mus8-15ihbk.html https://www.lethalperformance.com/mishimoto-silicone-induction-hose-15-17-mustang-gt-mmhose-mus8-15ih.html They look exactly the same, but one is specifically...
  18. Angela III - Daily Driver Build Thread

    Nobody flakes on Angela Recently there has been some paint flaking off just under the rear window. I haven't had any paint issues until now, but it looks like this might just be a spot that didn't get a full layer of paint at the factory and is finally starting to wear down. I went at it...
  19. Charging system warning red symbol

    Did you reset the BMS after replacing the battery?
