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  1. California 2015-2018 GT PP front lip and belly pan - $200 obo

    OP, look into Pirate Ship. Accounts are free and their shipping rates through UPS are up to 60% cheaper than going to a UPS Store.
  2. What's In DFB's Cabinet?

    I fill my cannon and wash/rinse buckets with DI water.
  3. GTD allocations should be this week

    You’d have better luck holding your breath for world peace. Multimatic will not be trickling their products down to anyone. The only thing ford owns is the body, electronics, and drivetrain. The aero and suspension are all Multimatic.
  4. What's In DFB's Cabinet?

    Americans don’t use trucks for their potential either unless they live in high country or work a trade like you. Most of them are what we call “mall crawlers”. Just a bunch of bell ends whose truck beds will never see anything other than air inside them.
  5. What's In DFB's Cabinet?

    I had a similar discussion with a local detailer. He was adamant that Dark Fury was a better wheel cleaner than ADS Wheel. I said “sure it is, cause you pay half as much for it and it works ‘good enough’ for your business which means money saved”. He had no good comeback other than “MWC beats...
  6. GTD allocations should be this week

    I doubt we’ll even notice. Imports are about 12% relative to our GDP and Chinese imports are about 2%. Raising tariffs 10% on steel and aluminum would add .2% overall to cost. Not to mention Trump had tariffs in his first term and we didn’t see any inflation from those.
  7. What's In DFB's Cabinet?

    I’ve yet to use my active canon but it will get added to the rotation. One thing though, you can’t compare one cannon to another simply by the foam it produces at the same 10:1 mixture. You have to account for the panel impact ratio of each cannon. Improved Garage did an apples to apples test on...
  8. Shaker to B&O Sub in 2018 Mustang Convertible

    Small correction, that’s not a gain knob, it’s a volume knob.
  9. S550 Mustang Suspension parts for sell!!!

  10. Mach 1 Audiophile Grade System with Tesla Style Screen

    Read the room. Nobody asked, yet you continue to respond. When someone asks “hey what do you think of tablet radios” or “is this part safe for crashes” that’s when you speak up. Otherwise you’re just coming across as an attention seeker and talking down to people on what they do with their...
  11. Mach 1 Audiophile Grade System with Tesla Style Screen

    Some folks just can’t help themselves but shit on others ideas and desires. He also has a habit of telling people what chassis parts they shouldn’t use because “OEM is crash tested”
.when no one asked.
  12. Mach 1 Audiophile Grade System with Tesla Style Screen

    That’s cool, and about time the aftermarket has caught up to all the OEM setups. Edit: saw this article from Knowledgefest. My interest is piqued in an Excelon head unit. https://www.ceoutlook.com/2025/01/31/kenwood-jvc-announce-new-car-radios-using-new-maestro-technology/
  13. Mach 1 Audiophile Grade System with Tesla Style Screen

    Because I want to and it’s my money to spend, not yours.
  14. Mach 1 Audiophile Grade System with Tesla Style Screen

    This is pretty interesting. Have you noticed any lost functionality over stock? I want to go aftermarket myself but not at the cost of function. I’m going to add aftermarket speakers and amp as well so the pre outs are a necessity.
  15. Might be pulling trigger on a ‘21 GT500 [update: Purchased]

    glad you found one that worked for you! Welcome to the insanity, the modding bug will bite you soon lol. Check out fordgt500 forum, there’s a wealth of information there.
  16. Cowl Brace on Convertibles, Who's done it?

    Yeah cool, still didn’t ask, still don’t care.
  17. Cowl Brace on Convertibles, Who's done it?

    Ah, yeah, didn’t ask, don’t care. Thanks.
  18. Cowl Brace on Convertibles, Who's done it?

    Huh? The one I installed was brand new from ford performance.
