Yes, I have a full worksheet with all of the data. The end result is a 0.1% change in overall brake bias. The PP MC merely changes the required force at the pedal to induce the same pressures in the system.
Maybe a bad set? I say that because the G2 is not known for being that great. Wider tires run at the same pressure does not increase contact patch or longitudinal grip.
I'm gonna call shenanigans on the PS4S not hooking up on stock or NA bolt on power. User error in some respect (pressures, likely). They're known for hooking up well even with boost.
Many are 5" where they attach the filter. The important number is the diameter where the MAF sensor is. That affects the transfer function and if significantly off from OEM, will flow different than expected and set a CEL due to more/less downstream O2 than expected.
I was asking for data that shows other no-tune intakes which have smaller than OEM MAF diameters. Take the logical next step, mmkay? :wink:
In this case: 15-17 is 85 mm, 18+ is 98 mm.
Yes, to be fair, if you just < 6/10ths street drive the car you may not notice it, but in any level of performance driving, you will feel the difference in braking, accelerative response, and even in the steering (the higher inertia wheel has more gyro effect).
Wheels are very subjective. I...
That doesn't make any sense. A staggered setup, all else (tires, pressures) being equal will be less oversteery/tail happy. Something else is different.
I'd actually argue that you would be able to notice a 1-2 lb heavier wheel that's also got that weight further out (higher rotational inertia). Hard to know for sure, but assuming that the mass is distributed similarly, just at a 10" radius vs 9.5", the 20" wheel weighing only 1 lb more will...