
Search results

  1. A/C diagnostics questions

    With yours being a '16, I'd assume evaporator for one (problem years were '15-'17 for evaporator failures). Possible pinhole leak that sucks some air in when it was operating ok, and now overfilled the system with air. I've seen some with no visible leaks from the drain tube, but light up under...
  2. Fans wont blow if heat turned on, Fans working if cold air on

    Sorry if I'm bumping a slightly old thread - I'm guessing your guy's climate control is in "auto" mode, either by hitting the "auto" button in the climate control stack or via climate control menu in the center screen. It can/will revert to auto as well when selecting "max a/c" or "max defrost"...
  3. To Sell or Not to Sell my 2020 PP2

    Ha! I know that exact scenario as well. Had my '66 as a daily for the longest time. Scored a job at the dealer starting as lubey and always wanted a Focus ST3. Money was right, but the Focus got axed. Got a FiST and loved it but always wanted a GT. Went for a HPP EB after 2 years - loved it but...

    Only sold with the airbag unfortunately :/
  5. Help with electrical issue on 2017 ford mustang gt premium convertible

    Did you have a shop install the new BCM? Without programming, you'd have a multitude of issues and no-start as the BCM stores PATS key info. The BCMB is separate from the BCM and (if I remember right) is mounted on the RH side of the trunk fender well. Ignition should be key on engine off when...
  6. Help with electrical issue on 2017 ford mustang gt premium convertible

    Unsure of what scan tool you're using? Forscan by chance? Try clearing codes and then (if possible) self test the BCMB and cycle the ignition. The BCMB controls the tail lights and U1000 set as something (most likely your old (possibly) faulty tail light) cause too may shorts and triggered FET...
  7. No AC, radiator fans 100% all the time

    High A/C pressure (past 350 psi on the high side/ACP_PRES pid reading) will trigger the PCM to shut power to the compressor clutch and run the fans at high speed - it's trying to cool the condenser to bring the pressures back down. Since you unplugged the pressure sensor and the PCM recognized...
  8. The more I see the S650s, the more I know I've had my last Mustang for the foreseeable future

    With the S650 out for a little bit now, I think I've started to like it more. Being a "new" model, it'll definitely have the "that's ugly" vibe for a bit until you see it more (or you just hate it and nothing will change your mind) - see the '18 face lift. It losses the S550 curves, but gains a...
  9. Used mustang gt prices

    It's getting slightly better, but it's still garbage compared to what it was pre-covid. I keep my eye out for the cool stuff that comes through...currently there's a stupid nice '19 PP2 with 1600 miles on it going for $48k and a '16 PP1 premium with 45k miles on it going for $35k (as a plus, I...
  10. Couldn't Resist, lol..side by side comparison -- Mustang EcoBoost vs Mach-E

    I'm still confused to why Ford decided to call it a Mustang, Mach-E alone is fine. Marketing is marketing I guess. I'd like to see a S650 side by side with a Mach-E to see how close they are in design. Maybe a BMW clownshoe-like 2 door would spice up the Mach-E a bit? They aren't that bad...
  11. Washing in Arizona summer heat - help!

    Thank you! I completely forgot about Adam's, heard about them but never used their stuff. The local huge Ace carries some of their products, I'll have to see what they have. With all the different companies and products it gets a little confusing to me on what soap does what and what it's best...
  12. Washing in Arizona summer heat - help!

    Hey y'all, I could really use some help here. With us hitting 100+ now (and the god damn wind...jesus christ), any recommendations for washing and drying on a bit of a budget? My car is mainly a daily and sits outside when I'm not driving my other car, plus the parking at work has a bunch of...
  13. What would prevent you from buying the S650?

    After being dumb with my financial decisions...decided to get back into a Mustang. I ended up ordering my '23 as I loved Eruption Green and wish I just waited the extra 3-6 months with my '22. Waited to see what came first - '24 pricing or my '23 order. It's obvious what came first lol. I like...
  14. Oil Pressure Sender?

    Haven't really dived into digital dashes, but with the base cluster oil pressure is just read as "low" "normal" and I think "high." Might be different as I think the digital cluster displays a proper gauge? Either way, the PCM gets a signal from the pressure sender/sensor and relays that to...
  15. Does this dealer says the truth?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge Ford doesn't have a lower level service part o-ring for the quick connect fittings. I don't have parts catalog access so I can't look it up unfortunately.
  16. S197 Hybrid - 2006 Mustang with S550 guts

    Hmm...this will be interesting, might be the (cheaper) opening gate to 7.3 swaps if the PCM will be happy once tuned. A quick glance at the wiring diagrams for 2017 and 2023, they're very similar. I'm assuming with tuning you'll be able to disable what you won't need for the 7.3 so no faults are...
  17. What would any of you be willing to pay for a 19 pp2??/

    We got a '19 Ingot Silver PP2 in on trade recently - roughly 16k miles, loaded less Recaros, PPF on the nose and front roof. Might be ceramic coated too. Real immaculate car. No idea on price, but if KKB has anything to say I'd guess around $45-47k. Waiting for 4 new tires, so could be yours...
  18. S197 Hybrid - 2006 Mustang with S550 guts

    Well, this got even more interesting! After seeing Cletus Mcfarland's Mcflurry (twin turbo 7.3 in a Fox) make a 7.x quarter mile...these things really have some gain in them. Planning to still use a 10R80, 10R140, or going a different route? 10R140 should bolt up no problem, but those things...
  19. Rationale for choosing Ecoboost HPP over GT?

    Having owned both.... I'd buy a EB HPP again in a heartbeat. Both engines are great in their own way and it's really up to what you want. The EB has plenty of down low grunt, good fuel economy (I was averaging 19/20 city 24/26 highway with my manual), and easy fun within city limits. GT's are...
  20. New 2022 Mustang GT Convertible roof difficult to pull down and latch closed.

    There is, but very little IMO. With this one I could have those tension straps adjusted all the way out with as much slack as possible and the top still wouldn't close properly. Those clips are really only for adjusting tension on the last/bottom bow that seals to the body - the issue is...
