
Search results

  1. Is Pitt Race or Mid-Ohio considered a high abrasion track?

    These are precisely my experiences and it's nice to hear someone else confirm them. Thanks.
  2. Are there better options for wheel bearings compared to OEM?

    I know. I used the large diameter version for the struts. Included in my write-up with my "Slot the front struts" post in the DIY section.
  3. Parking brake cable retainer (WTF)

    I use this, works great. https://www.amazon.com/Lang-Tools-379-Engine-Compressor/dp/B004ZG5VE0/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_pb_opt?ie=UTF8 I can see how tightening the cable bracket to the knuckle last could work well, although the spring is partially blocking the bolt and socket. The whole affair is...
  4. Is there any way to extend the steering wheel further back?

    OMG I would LOVE an extra 2" extension! (Let the dirty remarks commence...)
  5. Are there better options for wheel bearings compared to OEM?

    Interesting idea. Nord-locks can be tightened super hard, so I bet they would be compatible with the axle nut torque. I use them on my front strut-to-knuckle bolts.
  6. S550 adjustable rear toe link options

    Completely agree. I like those rear arms too, but I decided against the price and instead opted for a single rear compromise camber/toe. ~ -1.8° and 0.25° total toe. I also use Caliper Garage string kit to set initial baseline and then use Longacre toe plates for expediency. Did you find my...
  7. S550 adjustable rear toe link options

    I agree with those two sets of camber numbers. Have you seen how much your toe changes with camber change?
  8. S550 adjustable rear toe link options

    What are your street and track rear camber angles? Do you have means to measure camber and toe yourself?
  9. Transmission Swap in a 2015 Mustang

    You could estimate all the costs involved, and then add that amount to the trade-in amount for the current car. That might get you a good financial start towards a 2018 car. There were SO many improvements, large and small, between the 2015-2017 to the 2018+ cars. Check for yourself - find a...
  10. Need first time track advice

    I ran PS4 for a few years. Now on ECS2. I like them a little better.
  11. HP Conversion - Finally Happening

    Do you plan to track your car? If not I wouldnt change suspension and enjoy the car's street performance. If yes, then you can consider swapping springs (a hassle for a slightly stiffer rate) and rear bar (pretty easy). The stiffer rear bar is not noticeable on the street but makes the car...
  12. Bumper Cover Thickness

    Rivnuts? Check that the design works for thinner material.
  13. 2023 Mach 1 tire life

    I would put PS4s or Conti ECS2 on the stock rims, and then setup a square set of track rims with your Cup2s. Once a pair of Cup2s wears out on track I would continue running identical tires (305 or 315) and rotate them. Will require long studs, open lugs and spacers of course. For no track...
  14. For those of you who installed a PP style rear spoiler

    You'll have to search all possible outlets. The challenge might be getting someone to package it well and then ship it if you find one car away.
  15. For those of you who installed a PP style rear spoiler

    Well if it was me I would either try hard to find a color matched takeoff in good condition or else consider something else entirely that was compatible with the holes. So that could include other Mustang models. I added a ZL1 gurney lip to my swing. Right now my car feels pretty neutral all...
  16. For those of you who installed a PP style rear spoiler

    If you can bide your time, you might find an OEM take-off. Even possibly check car-part.com, this forum, Facebook Marketplace, etc. If you're lucky you may find one the same factory color as your car.
  17. S550 adjustable rear toe link options

    Since I pinned mine, I have a spare set of that hardware. I will provide dims Saturday when I return from vacay unless someone beats me to it.
  18. S550 adjustable rear toe link options

    I pinned my OEM washers with roll pins. :)
  19. S550 adjustable rear toe link options

    Do you know which events you might attend this year?
  20. S550 adjustable rear toe link options

    I put on BMR's and they soon made a rattling sound as the bearings were sticking. I switched to J&M and have no issues for over a year. I'm a fan of J&M products.
