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  1. Anyone regret buying a ragtop vs a coupe?

    No regrets here. Bought mine 2 years ago with 19 K on the odometer. Living in the midwest, we have great convertible days and many days that are either too cold or too hot to put the top down. However, I drive mine year-round mostly on dry days and have a blast - top down or up. The top is so...
  2. Ode to my convertible

    Always have loved convertibles. We had an '86 GT convertible (first year of fuel injection) before kids and have now had an S550 GT convertible for about a year now (post kids moving away). My wife and I would love to keep the top down all the time but, the Missouri weather doesn't really...
  3. Introduce yourself!!

    Greetings from southeast MO! Once upon a time, BC (before children), I owned a new 1986 Mustang GT convertible 5MT. Had it for about 3 years. Fast forward to a little over a month ago and I'm the proud owner of a 2015 Mustang GT convertible 6MT that I purchased with just 19,000 miles on it...
