I also have a ghost immobiliser on my GT. I have had no issues at all with it. I feel that anything that is passive is going to be alot harder for someone to get past. I also keep my key in a faraday box at night. There isnt much else you can do short of sleeping in the car.
No idea.. i have a 2020 model not sure how bad the previous ones were. Also i sit quite far back so it dosent effect me but i know it is an issue for some people.
I second that. I also live 2 minutes away from them and have had terrible problems. The worst thing are the lies. I called them about an update on a warranty engine change on a focus which i needed desperately for work. I was told they were half way through and were doing it for me as a valued...
I had problems with tramlineing so I fitted a STEEDA REAR IRS SUBFRAME SUPPORT BRACES and STEEDA S550 G-TRAC BRACE along with a strut tower brace and the problem has 95% disappeared
The difference what they pay across the pond is staggering. By own admission im a bit anal and change the oil in mine every 2k -2.5k, I order a box of 12 motocraft for £60 delivered. It brilliant value.
I have the ghost fitted to mine and i think its amazing. I live in London, there has been a few car jackings in the area and a crazy amount of nightime driveway thefts of cars that have alarm and imobiliser systems light years ahead of my mustangs. Its a passive system nearly impossible to find...
One of the best small mods (although quite expensive) is a 5 spur cup holder cover. It is amazing quality and much better than having my elbow in the cup holder.
This idea that we will all go elecrtic by 2030 is just pie in the sky. I was talking to an electrical engineer who told me the grid would melt down. It is decades old and could not handle all the cars charging. If they were to try to upgrade all the national grid you would be looking at a...
I truly dislike all this keyless entry. I have never been in a situation where i cannot press a button on the remote. As a result i have fitted my cars with ghost 2 immobilisers so even if they break into my house and take the keys they still cant start it. Its a passive system so cant be...