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  1. Merry Christmas!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS, Fellas & Felletts ! !
  2. What year mt82’s are having problems?

    I always thought that goofy design didnā€™t made any sense, added the blowfish mount & I havenā€™t had any issues since
  3. WTB - Ford Mustang Performance Package Dash Trim 2018 and up

    Iā€™d give parts farm a look, Iā€™ve bought interior parts from them & no complaints on my end
  4. Beware of where you have your oil changed and who is doing it! Below is my experience

    Here more proof, my neighbor brought his KIA to his steelership for an oil change & half way home his engine locked up, yep, the drain bolt wasnā€™t tight & backed out !
  5. What’s Your Daily Driver Alongside the Mustang?

    A great car to say the least. My 2012 Fusion 2.5, she was my daily for 12 years & she never skipped a beat !
  6. What’s Your Daily Driver Alongside the Mustang?

    thank you, sir. TEAM TWO DOOR ! šŸ˜
  7. What’s Your Daily Driver Alongside the Mustang?

    the Bronco is my DD & yes, itā€™s a blast in the snow. The Mustang doesnā€™t leave the garage unless weather permitting
  8. What’s Your Daily Driver Alongside the Mustang?

    ā€˜24 Bronco. The Mustang is my Sunday, Funday car, weather permitting šŸ˜Ž
  9. Street car take over. Finally busted….

    Those clowns arenā€™t car enthusiast, their effing hood rats !
  10. Off to a rough start with 2016 GT

    Iā€™d give parts farm a look, Iā€™ve ordered interior parts from them & I wasnā€™t disappointed
  11. Recommendations for 2017 Mustang Performance Pack brake replacement?

    Another vote for powerstop Z26 pads. Most important, Bed them in properly !
  12. Love At First Sight – A Man and His Red Mustang

    Congratulations, Deyon. What a great story & just when I thought nobody loved their car as much as I do. Wow, was I wrong !
  13. Overhead Console Assembly Replacement

    Granted, mines not a vert. I just yanked on it & came right down
  14. How often to change mt82 fluid?

    Like taking candy from a baby, just remember to remove the fill plug first. If you drain the fluid first & canā€™t refill it, then thatā€™s a problem !
  15. Tire installer installs the 275s on one side and 255 on the other

    Sounds like the idiot that did the same thing on one of my wheels moved to Utah !
  16. Off to a rough start with 2016 GT

    As far as the headlight, try looking & see what parts farm has available, Iā€™ve ordered some interior parts from them. The parts were just as advertised, no complaints from me
  17. What did you do to your S550 Mustang today?!

    I went a similar route, I wanted to the retain the 5 liter badge & installed the injector rail covers too
  18. What did you do to your S550 Mustang today?!

    Boomba tranny mount & Blowfish racing shifter mount, quite an improvement to say the least !
