Does anyone beside Roush make corner pocket inserts? I was going to order the Roush ones they sell but then I seen the ones that come with the Roush Max Cooling kit and I really want them but cant find them sold seperately. Anyone else make any I should take a look at before pulling the trigger...
May be looking to sell the mustang. Have a 2 year old with another due in october. I work 60+ hrs a week (self employed) so on the weekend I try to make the most out of time off with family. Car sits in the garage all the time now. 3 years old with 11k miles. 7k put on the first year. Looking at...
Looking at 11" wide rears in either a 19" or 20" wheel. Car is an 18 PP1 pack. Want to rum a 305/35/19 or a 305/30-35/20. Not sure on which aspect ratio on the 20" side with the 3.55 gears. Also, will a 305/35/19 hook the same from a dig as a 305/35/20 since both have the same amount of sidewall?
On a cruise today I was running around 70mph just cruisin when it was like I let off the throttle completely. As I slowed, it downshifted normally as I was in sport+. Everytime I would hit the throttle to get some kind of response, my vacuum gauge needle would react as it normally does but the...
Anyone used an aftermarket accelerometer that has a good datalog? I see the dragy has an accelerometer but the runs I have seen looks like it would be hard to read. Would like to purchase one to datalog individual gears in for ideal shift point determination
So the first thing I did after buying the car was an H Pipe install. The sound was perfect for me but since adding Mak cat deletes I have not been too pleased with the rasp in the 2k-4k rpm range. I read many mixed reviews about the Tru X so I went the safer route and ordered the Vibrants. I...
What about the WOT shifts on a C7? The spark cut in between shifts sounds amazing. Anyway to do this on a 10R80 without sacrificing reliability or performance?
Ran car to 0 miles to empty. Added about 12.5 gallons of E85 that was hand testing about E75. Idled for probably 15-20 min yesterday afternoon and was at 54% on alch percentage per nguage. Started car today and started driving softly. Have gotten to 63.5 on alch percentage but no higher...
Probably going to stay NA for a while. 2018 A10 3.55 gears currently. Goals are to stay daily friendly but drag strip and roll racing are important. No track road courses or twisty roads around here.
Two mods I am twiddling my thumbs at are 4.09 gears and a circle D converter. Can someone guide...
Is there any quicker/shortcut way to blackout the sync 3 display other than going to settings, swipe left, display, turn off display? I hate my display being on during nighttime driving. Its amazing how much less I personally squint at night by not having it on. Yes, I do already have it on the...
Im looking at some 20mm to 25mm spacers. I've found plenty of post regarding pictures and torque of the spacers but cannot find the differences of spacer brands. Why are Eibachs $100 more per pair than many other hub centric spacers?