

  1. Favorite stretch of road, trips - mainly US?

    Hello fellow S550 (and beyond) owners! With these weird covid times, I've been aching for a trip or fun stretch of driving. Would you mind posting your favorite bits of roads and journeys? Whether it's for pure driving enjoyment, or fun roads with beautiful scenery, cool things along the roads...
  2. 2018 GT350 Driving Impressions - possible concerns

    I've had my 2018 GT350 for 2 months now, got the car second hand at 1.3K miles, now we are at 2K. Just got and oil change at Ford and also got it inspected, no issues - no mods before. While I love the car for the beast it is, I might have couple concerns as below - hoping other experienced...
  3. First Time Manual Owner

    I am currently waiting on a 2017 GT PP :D and with it being my first car with a manual transmission I am asking the forum for a list of some things to watch out for in the first say 10k miles. Just want to make sure that my learning period doesn't completely destroy a factory clutch because I...
  4. 3.31 vs 3.55 vs. 3.73

    Hi all, So my purchase date is approaching soon and I have a question. Before we get into the question though, I need to explain how the car will be driven. From point A to point B with mixed highway and street driving. To car meets an hour away from home every now and then, highway driving...
