
Search results

  1. Transmission oil leak

    Hello all, I was cleaning up the driveway this morning when I noticed what seemed like an oil puddle under my car. I have an Ecoboost. I thought it was just a water puddle from the AC but after looking further I noticed underneath the car was wet and dripping. I go to touch it and was pinkish...
  2. GAP Insurance

    Hello all, just curious on how many of you purchase GAP insurance for your vehicles. I understand what it is and why to purchase it. Depending on how much they give me for trade in will depend on if any of the remaining balance gets carried over into the new deal. I've always purchased it at the...
  3. She's here......kind of

    So my car has been showing delivered on Cotus since Thursday, a week early though I figured Cotus could be wrong. I dropped off my kids with their friends at the arcade and my dealer just happens to be across the street. I figured I'd have a look at the cars that were in stock. As I'm perusing...
  4. White GT w/50 YR PKG for sale

    My sales guy at Wayne Akers in Lake Worth, FL sent me pics and info on their first GT in stock and ready for sale if anyone's looking for one. White GT, Automatic with 50 years package. Pics and Window Sticker below. If only I had the dough for it. :( My Ecoboost will be here soon though.
  5. Race or Ruby Red Ecoboost w/Redline at Wayne Akers Ford

    I was here on the forum and also browsing my local dealer's website. I just happened to see they had an Ecoboost until 1pm today. I check the clock and it's 12:20pm! Needless to say, I snuck out of work for a few minutes and rushed over to see her. Man is she a beauty. Looks to be Race Red but...
  6. Can't track Ecoboost orders

    Hello all, I still am not able to track my order online, though Tricia confirmed my order is processing. My order is for an Ecoboost Premium. Not sure if it's relevant but I noticed I've only been able to track orders for v8 and v6 based on images here and some I was able to see from my dealer...
  7. Any orders placed in South FL yet?

    Hello all, Anyone in south Florida, specifically in Palm Beach, "successfully" order a 15 Mustang yet? I have not been able to find a trustworthy dealer. I tried Al Packer but kept getting the run around about when the car would be ordered, so no DORA or VOC right away. The person who orders...
