
Search results

  1. Looking to do springs (need help)

    Hey guys I’m new to the mustang platform and am finally getting to doing some simple mods on my 22’ GT I want to put some spring on my car (eibach sportlines) but am hesitant because I’ve been recommended by shops and seen some forums that they can blow ur shocks prematurely although I’ve also...
  2. Long tube header suggestions

    Hey guys, I am new to the mustang community and just picked up my first mustang (22 GT) I currently have installed the Corsa extreme active with the double H pipe and wanted to do soon some long tube headers. Other than the Corsa ones(discontinued), does anyone have suggestions on some good...
  3. Mustang GT Spoiler

    Hey there, I just recently picked up a 2022 Mustang GT and it did not have a spoiler from factory which means no holes in the trunk. I was looking to get a spoiler to add some touches to the car until I do a wing but I cant find one without bolts on it. If anyone has any suggestions on a...
  4. Euros Taillights (Which is best?!?!)

    Hey guys, I am a new member to the mustang community as I recently picked up a 22' GT and love it. Just like every single mustang owner ever, I want to throw some euros on my car but I'm not sure which company to go for and wanted to see some recommendations. Would it be better to go with...
