
Search results

  1. Daily driver input and discussion

    Hey guys, I'm hoping to have some input from guys who daily their car and are NA and have done a manifold swap mainly the 350 manifold why and do you regret it or love it. My car is a 2017 performance pack 6 speed. Tune only. I'm looking at basically doing a ford powerpack 3 but custom tune...
  2. Juggernaut performance Tune

    Hey guys, I was wondering if any of yall have experience with juggernaut performance and tuning. I have heard many great things about to company themselves but don't hear anything on tuning. Anyone know who the tuner is as well? 2017 Coyote PP Thanks
  3. Ported 2nd gen intake

    Hey guys, 2017 gt I was wondering if anyone has had their 2nd gen intake ported. All I can find is the 18+ and 350 manifolds and so on. Something I have seen as well that I was wondering about was if you port your stock intake do you need a tune? I have read that you do not. I am only x pipe...
